Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Unnatural

[Is 55:8-9] “ ‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Who has not at some point asked God, “Why did you do that or allow that to happen?” How many have wondered in bewilderment at the ways of God among men? “Lord why did you not intervene there, or stop the pain here, or move that mountain back yonder?”

We think in the natural realm where things are logical, they fit together sequentially, and there is a natural order to our thought processes. How many times have you thought God would work in one way and the solution or the answer comes from a direction you never saw coming.

His ways and His thoughts are higher than ours. No matter how much we try to figure Him and His ways out with our natural mind they will be continually out of our grasp. So much of what the Lord does is unnatural. If we were putting a plan together we would do it one way and typically that is not the way God would do it or does do it. He thinks differently than we do. He works in ways we cannot fathom.

I think this is why so many people have trouble with faith and obedience. In our minds we see the outcome logically. God on the other hand sees the outcome in a way He can get the maximum glory. We peer through our natural thoughts and God thinks unnaturally. We typically see solutions to problems in terms of our limited resources. God on the other hand, has no limitations in resources.

I have come to the conclusion I can choose to trust the thought processes and ways of God or I can drive myself insane trying to figure why He thinks the way He does and acts the way He acts. I have to resign myself that His ways and thoughts are loftier than I can understand. He also sees from beginning of time to the end of time. I can only see in part. He knows how it all works together for His purposes and His glory.

After over two decades of walking with the Lord and following His call in steps of faith, all I can say is God is worthy of our trust and obedience. There are dozens of times I have scratched my head at the ways of God but I can say in hindsight His ways are best. There will continue to be baffling moments when I am tempted to say to God, “Why? Why did you do that are lead me in that direction.” In the end I will know my natural mind must simply submit to his loftier supernatural mind and directions. That is good enough for me.

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