Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Dry and a Weary Land

“O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for you, my flesh yearns for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” [Ps 63:1]

We are living in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Sin abounds. Right here in this small-secluded west Texas town sin abounds. It abounds in middle class homes where computers have become a theater for the immoral, raunchy, and disgusting. In upscale homes people hide the emptiness of their hearts behind alcohol, more possessions, and a façade of success. Students are tripped repeatedly by other students who want to drag the Christians down into the stinking sewage of sin.

We live in a dry and weary land where people get more hung up on traditions, religion, and personal preferences than the pursuit of God wholeheartedly. Many worship services across the land are dry, predictable, and lifeless. The Spirit of God is grieved and many of God’s people are content to have it this way.

We live in a dry and weary land where the “American Dream” has escaped many Americans. The land of opportunity did not deliver what it promised. Many have no hope. They have drunk from many wells but found no hope. They are absolutely at the end of their rope. They cannot find a reason to keep on living.

We live in a dry and weary land where marriages are battered and bruised and people cohabitate in the same house more than being joined together as one. The love has long ago faded and all that is left is the dutiful obligation “to stay together for the children.” Families in these homes are dysfunctional.

We live in a dry and weary land where parents would rather have their children be popular than Godly. Students are pushed by parents and coaches to excel on the field or court but seldom challenged to live lives of distinction as disciples of Christ. God’s commands are considered suggestions in these sophisticated times. Service to God is valued when it is convenient.

We live in the dry and weary land of two-faced believers who live double standard lives. Churches are filled with members who smile at one another face to face and then turn around and stab each other in the back. So called Christian people cheat, lie, fornicate, commit adultery, and gossip with the best of them.

We live in a dry and weary land where God is second priority. Our leaders do not seek Him or want Him involved in the affairs of community or country. Compromise is seen as progress and education. God is increasingly pushed out of individual lives, homes, the pulpit, the church, and our country. Our currency may read, “In God We Trust,” but the reality is “Forsaking God We Rust.”

Prophets are hard to find in this dry and weary land. Many of them have been promoted, bought, and silenced. We still need men who will stand in this day and say fearlessly, “Thus says the Lord.” In this dry and weary land we need worshippers who will not be satisfied with anything less than to behold the power and the glory of God in the sanctuary. In this dry and weary land we need the river of God to flow through our hearts once again.

I know I am not alone in this dry and weary land. It is past time for the saints to dig their heels in and seek God earnestly. Apart from God coming to heal our lives, homes, churches, community, and our country we have no hope. With God there is always hope. Seek Him while He may still be found.

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