Wednesday, April 19, 2017

God, Why Didn't You Give All The Money

I preached on prayer last night in our revival meeting from I Kings 17:17-24. In this passage a widow who had taken the prophet Elijah suffered immeasurably as she watched her son get ill then die. I cannot imagine the anguish as she frantically did everything in her power to save her only son. In the end it was out of her control.

Life is like that. While we like to think we are in control the truth is we are not. Many things can happen beyond our control. One phone call could change everything. One visit to the boss can send you to the unemployment line. One routine visit to the doctor can reveal life threatening illness. None of us are really in control.

That poor widow turned her grief against Elijah. Her emotions were raw. She had already suffered the death of her husband and lived through extreme poverty. When she met Elijah she made preparations for her last meal with her son and then prepared to die. She trusted Elijah's counsel and saw miraculous provision. To lose her son on top of all the other seemed a harsh and cruel blow from God.

She welcomed Elijah into her home and gave him a place to sleep. In return she expected continued provision and protection for her and her son. Then her son died. A tragic ending to an already painful life.

Elijah asked her to turn over the dead boy to him. He took him upstairs and cried out to God. The mother taught it was over. Elijah believe dGod could do the impossible, even bring the dead back to life. Many of you are facing impossible situations. Many of you think it is over. It is to late. Elijah did not believe this. He interceded and God listened. He put breath and life back into the boy. He revived that lifeless corpse. Fully recovered, Elijah took the boy downstairs to his mother.

What sometimes looks like a tragic ending just might be a miraculous beginning. Let me say that again. From where you sit and what you see that looks like a tragic ending might be a miraculous beginning. Your painful situations could turn out to be a miracle in the making. Is anything to difficult for God? Read Jeremiah 32:17 and Luke 1:37.

That message did not come easy. I wrestled in prayer a god portion yesterday seeking God's direction for the service that night. Once it came so also did some clear directions about how to direct the invitation.

Once the message was delivered I asked people to get in groups and pray for another. We all face trials and tests. We did not have any music. That beautiful sanctuary was filled with the sounds of the fervent intercessions of God's people. A beautiful sound as burners were lifted to the throne of grace. After a season of praying for one another we changed our prayer focus to praying for the local church.

Then the time came to take the message about God's ability to do anything, to overcome any obstacle, to work miracles from theory and put it into practice. I took a huge step of faith in following God on what happened next. We invited God to do a miracle right before our eyes.

Spring Creek Baptist Church is not a large congregation and to my knowledge not made up of rich people. They face a test. They need to replace five air conditions costing $6,000 each. They have raised enough to replace two of the five. My burden last night was to invite God to do a miracle. I explained the need. I asked people to pray for God to do a miracle. Then I asked them to ask God if they were to give and be a part of the miracle. I explained that God might not lead them to give and they should not feel guilty.

People prayed and then I called the ushers forward to take an offering to replace at least one of the air conditioners. We did not have a large crowd last night. We all knew it would be miracle. While they took up and counted the offering we sang and worshipped. I kept praying for God to do a miracle not to prove Himself. God never has to prove Himself to anyone. I asked God for the miracle to encourage the faith of people in that room.

Pastor, Jase Waller, stepped forward later and announced that over $3,000 had be give that night. People spontaneously celebrated and clapped. All but me. As soon as I heard that number I asked God, "Why didn't you give all the money? They need $3,000 more for just one air conditioner and another $12,000 to replace the other two. I ask you for all the money."

The service ended. People were excited. I kept telling people but we asked God for at least $6,000. God is not finished. I mulled hat over all night. Then it occurred to me that this is still a miracle in the making. So I am taking another step of faith. I am inviting you to be a part of this miracle completed.

Many of you who read this know of Spring Creek Baptist Church in Weatherford, TX. Many more know my friends Jase and Tami Waller. This church has faithfully proclaimed the gospel for 135 years. They are not a large congregation but they are loving. They are generous. They also need a miracle.

Now, to those of you who read these blogs I am happy and blessed to write them for you. I am even more blessed that they are free and accessible to anyone around the world. That means a lot to me because the word of God and Jesus are not for sale to me. I do not minister to pad my pockets. I am not a prophet for profit.  Today I am going to ask something of you. Not for myself. I am asking you to be the completion to this miracle story. I am inviting you to join God providing the rest of the $15,000 to replace all the air conditioners at Spring Creek Baptist Church.

Some of you could write a check for the whole amount and never miss it. Some of you would sacrifice greatly to send $50. Brenda and I emptied our pockets last night. We do not have the ability to make up the lacking $15,000 or I assure you we would.  We gave sacrificially. I am going to ask you to seek God and ask Him if He wants you to do the same thing I asked those people to do last night. I ask you to plead with God to do a miracle for this church. They need $15,000 so I am asking and believing for every penny to be provided. Would you ask God for that too. Then would you ask God if you are to be involved. Ask God if you are to give to this need and if so how much.

Let me boldly enough to ask you to do two more things. First, would you take the time to contact the pastor, Jase Waller, to tell him if God leads you to give? Even if you do not know him would you email him to let him know what God has prompted you to give. What joy it would bring if the total amount was pledged and could be announced tonight in the revival meeting.  Before I post this I am praying for God to complete this miracle and for you as well.

The address for the church is:

Spring Creek Baptist Church
100 Spring Creek Road
Weatherford, TX 76087

Jase Waller's email is:

I believe God is not finished showing Spring Creek Baptist Church His faithfulness and miraculous power to do the impossible. I pray God leads you to help. Please pray about your involvement and contact Jase today so we can celebrate what God does tonight.

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