Monday, April 10, 2017

I See Greatness In You

In junior high I was a pudgy little kid trying to make it as a football player. I was not the fastest, strongest, or most talented. All I had was a dream to play, determination, and a work ethic. 

I worked out all the time. I got my first weight set when I was a sixth grader. I often got up early in the morning before school to heave those plastic covered cement weights. Many times I got up early to run before school in the heat and the cold. 

My heart sunk in ninth grade when I could not earn a starting role. I practiced hard. I gave extra effort. I sat on the bench all that year. I hated it. I felt like giving up. I definitely lost all self confidence. Sitting on the bench embarrassed me. I also felt like a failure to my grandfather. I wanted to please him more than any person in the world because he been such a great athlete. He died before my tenth grade season. That painful memory still haunts me. 

One day Coach Bell pulled me aside. He played college football before coaching. He was a follower of Jesus. I looked up to him. He pulled me aside during that season I sat on the bench and told me he saw greatness in me. He told me he thought I could play in college even though I could not get on the field as a ninth grader. Why did he do that? How could he see greatness in a pudgy little insecure bench warmer. 

At the end of the year he signed my athletic award plague. I no longer have it but wish I did because I would love to read what he had to say. He left to coach somewhere else the next year and I never saw him again. His impression still weighs deep on me. 

Fast forward 35 years. Last week I ministered in Fairfield, TX to a group of students. No longer an athlete, I am just a heavy set loud preacher. 

Before our youth meeting I watched a group of students playing football. I quickly sized up the talent on the field. That is when I noticed him. It was like I was looking at a picture of me back in junior high minus the glasses. 

The little boy wore a Houston Texan football jersey. He was short and pudgy like me. He ran hard but not fast. Every play he ran his route as fast as he could but I never saw anyone throw him a pass. That did not deter him. He still ran with all his might. He gave full effort on defense though he could not keep up with the other guys. 

I noticed him again when we all assembled for the start of the meeting. He sat alone. He kept the ball in his hand. Tossing it up and catching it again. I could not take my eyes off him. Suddenly I felt deeply impressed I was to walk up to tell him what Coach Bell had told me, "I see greatness in you and so does God."

I approached him but then the service started and he started singing. I asked God to give me the opportunity later. I forgot about the matter and devoted my attention to preaching. 

It was a powerful night. God moved. God spoke. Once the service ended I saw that young boy again with ball in hand. I learned latter he sleeps with a football each night. I used to do the same.

I caught him in the hall way. He seemed surprised I wanted to talk to him and the look on his face indicated he thought he was in trouble. He told me his name was Isaac. I simply told him, "I feel impressed to tell you I see greatness in you and so does God. Even if you don't feel like you are great God put greatness in you." He looked shocked.

That was it. I turned to leave. In hindsight I wish I had prayed with him but it never crossed my mind at the moment. I did pray God would plant those words deep in him like God did to me with Coach Bell. 

Lord willing I hope to see Isaac again. I have been invited to preach the winter camp for his church next January. I hope he will be there. 

Here is the point. I thank God for putting Coach Bell in my life. I don't know how he saw greatness in me. I recall that many times thinking about what Coach told me so long ago. I did get to play in college. I never played great but I did get to live out a dream. 

My dream now is to be an effective pastor, preacher, and writer. I don' t feel great a lot of times. But I do serve a great God who resides in me. 

Encouraging people is a great blessing. Many have encouraged me over the years as a preacher and writer. I thank God for those people. We are all used to hearing criticisms. We are not near as used to hearing encouragement. It is needed. Who needs your encouragement?

So child of God listen. I don't know your circumstances. I do not even know your age. I do not know what you do, what your talents are, and what passions fuel your steps. I do know this. There is a loving God who went to great lengths to design and create you. He made you unique. He also put greatness in you because you have been created in His image and He is great.