Friday, May 22, 2015

Duty To God And Country

Yesterday evening a news story came on about how the boy scouts are considering accepting homosexual scout leaders in their organization. They showed one of the big wigs in the Boy Scouts saying that the country is changing and so the Scouts must change with it. He then went on to quote part of the Boy Scouts motto.

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. 

Do my duty to God. In the same breath he talked about accepting homosexual Boy Scout leaders he also talked about doing duty to God. Writing such a post as this will label me. I don't care. I am tired of the mainstream media trying to shove homosexuality down our throats as if it were mainstream. I am tired of sportscasters applauding the courage of a professional athlete who comes out of the closet to announce to the world that they are gay or lesbian. I am tired of homosexuals shouting the word equality. I am tired of gay characters on sitcoms. I am tired of gay couples flaunted on reality television. I am tired of the microphones alway thrust in support of gay people while the mainstream Christina perspective is either silenced or sound bites edited to make Christians look stupid and filled with hate. 

How can the Boy Scouts give into political pressure and go against their own motto in the process. If a Scout is to do his duty to God then he will not embrace the homosexual lifestyle. Scripture teaches against such a lifestyle. I know that statement is narrow-minded to some. I know if I were to quote scriptures some will lump it in with hate mongers. So many are afraid to offend the prevailing political correctness views they do not stand for truth. 

I still stand for truth. Homosexuality is sin. So is adultery, fornication, stealing, murder, abortion, telling lies, ad hypocrisy. Nothing is every going to change that. God set those laws and standards and no amount of political wrangling and judicial redefining is going to change God's standards. There will be many to cry out that homosexuals have no choice for they were born that way. Satan is a masterful deceiver. He deceives depraved people into perverse lifestyles. I have heard with my own ears the testimonies of people whom God delivered from the homosexual lifestyle. The mainstream media sure do not want you to hear their stories. 

Jesus loves homosexuals but not the homosexual lifestyle. Many churches have watered down the teaching of scripture on this issue. Many pastors are silent in the pulpit about this topic for fear of backlash. Homosexuals are not silent. They shout with megaphones. They have infiltrated the media. They intimidate local business people who do not accept their lifestyle. They SHOUT at the top of their lungs. Now the Supreme Court is about to weigh in on the matter. 

Conservative politicians are browbeat by reporters wanting soundbites for their papers and news shows. Yet liberal politicians are not asked equally tough questions and abortion or religious persecution and rights being violated in this country. 

If the Supreme Court decides in favor of homosexuals and redefine what God instituted in marriage, the repercussions will be devastating. Go ahead. Study history. See hat happened to other civilizations who readily accepted homosexuality. Watch what happens when homosexual men get into influential positions as troop leaders with young vulnerable boys. Mark my words. Boys will get molested. 

The United Sates of America is on a collision course with judgment. God's judgment is barreling toward us like a speeding locomotive. Repeatedly this nation has taken steps to oppose God and His laws. Scriptures and the constitution have bene reinterpreted and applied to suit the causes of a few. If this nation was found on religious freedom then where is my freedom to oppose a lifestyle I find offensive and opposed by teachings of scripture. Where is my freedom to preach without fear of backlash. Where is my freedom to stand firm on the foundations of my religious convictions with equal passion without it being labeled as a hate crime. 

Would it not be a criminal act on my part to see a terrorist plot about to unfold on  this nation and  to keep silent. My voice is very little. I have very little influence over people. Yet I am in the majority. The majority stand where I stand though the media would not want  you to know or believe that. It is my duty to God and this country to state that we as a nation are heading toward impending peril if we do not align ourselves with God and His laws. 

I am a former Boy Scout. I have many wonderful memories from my days scouting. We went on camp outs, to Scout Camps, earned merit badges, and challenged ourselves mentally and physically.. To do my duty to God is not to remain silent. To do my duty to God I call sin a sin and do not flinch if that makes me unpopular. 

I say it again. Jesus loves homosexuals. He died for them just as He died for me. God sent Jesus to die for the sins of mankind. Homosexuals can be saved and forgiven just like anyone else. God does not condone the homosexual lifestyle anymore than He does any other sexual sin. Same sex marriage is sin just like a couple living together outside marriage, a person sharing multiple partners, orgies, pornography, molestation, and rape. 

Duty to my God means crying out to America that we had better put on the breaks of redefining morality and repent before we slide down this slippery slope to the point of no return. God will have the last say. He will not be mocked. What we sow as a nation we will also reap. Only God can stop us before it is too late. 

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