Tuesday, September 24, 2013


"When He saw the crowds He felt compassion for them because they were weary and worn like sheep without a shepherd." [Matt 9:36]

Jesus had compassion for people. All types of people. In this passage several things stick out. First Jesus saw the crowds. I don't think that means that He just saw a blob of humanity. He saw people. He saw individuals. He saw their hurts and their hearts.

We learn in this passage that the people were weary. They were tired, exhausted, weak and despondent. They were faint of heart. These people were also worn. Life was hard for them and the burdens and trials of an oppressive government and religious system had worn them down.

Jesus saw all this and it moved Him to deep compassion. He had a tender love and affection for these people.

Back in the spring of 2009 I sat in the back of the sanctuary of FBC Seminole on a Saturday night during a Disciple Now waiting to preach. I looked around the room at all the people and God reminded me of [Matt 9:36]and gave me a compassion for those people. It was a deeply spiritual experience. They were without a pastor and four months later I would become their pastor. I did not know this at the time. All I knew is God moved in my heart to give me a compassion for people I did not even know.

I saw the worn and weary people. I came to know these people over the next couple of years and grew to love them like I had known them all of my life. I still love them dearly. God gave me compassion for them before I ever really knew them.

This week I am preaching a revival. Last night I saw some five little girls at the front of the church during worship. They sat on the steps of the stage through the worship time. They were not disruptive. At one point as I watched them I felt compassion for them. I wondered how their lives would turn out. When their mothers gathered to pray with them I wondered about their families. I wondered what burdens they carried. I wondered if they were weary and worn from life.

To truly have compassion for people we have to slow down long enough to really see others. We are usually moving so fast we barely notice people. We need to be reminded to walk slowly through the crowds and watch for the needs in people's lives God reveals to us.

Compassion for people is needed. We are often quick to judge and much slower to have compassion. Everybody has a story. What I came to learn in Seminole is that some of those people I saw on that Saturday night in the spring of 2009 had very painful stories. You would have never known it by looking at them on the outside. They appeared to have their lives together. What I learned later is that some struggled, some suffered, and some were not even saved.

Today as I prepare to preach at the revival, make my hospital rounds as a pastor, and go through my day I want God to truly show me people. I want to see beyond the surface and see into the souls of people. I want to walk slowly through the crowd today and tonight prepared to minister and to have compassion for people. That is the way of Jesus.

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