Sunday, June 2, 2013

Fire Starter

"So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things. Behold, how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire." [James 3:5]

Though the tongue is such a small part of the body it can sure create a mighty amount of destruction. The words we speak to others can bring life or cause great damage. For many the tongue is the fire starter that wreaks as much damage as any wild fire. Words are uttered carelessly but the wounds inflicted are devastating. Fire starter words can be said in a matter of seconds but the damage done may take years to recover.

Many destructive emotional fires have been started with careless, thoughtless, and angry words. How many fights could have been avoided if people just heeded [Prov 15:1] "A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger." [Prov 15:4] is another verse we can learn from. "A soothing tongue is a tree of life, but perversion in it crushes the spirit."

Our words can be used as instruments of righteousness or wickedness. [James 3:8] "But no one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison." The word "tame" means to curb or restrain. We are not able to tame our tongues no matter how hard we try. The Holy Spirit can. Through the fruit of self-control we can learn to restrain our tongues. We can submit to Him as He restrains us from saying what we should not as well as to season our words with grace.

With our little words we can kindle a huge forest fire of damage in our families, churches, and communities. Our words can serve like the kindling to set off a powder keg explosion of hurt and destruction. Some of this damage will take years to be undone and for broken lives to be healed.

Today I offer three things to do in response to this truth. First, REPENT! You know where it is needed. Second, ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to have more control over your tongue. Lastly, make it right. If you are convicted that your words have hurt and wounded someone go to them and make it right. Let's not start any more forest fires of damage with our wicked tongues.

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