Saturday, June 15, 2013


There are tough lessons we learn as children. I recall vividly what if felt like to move to a new school. I did not have any friends. This was never felt more acutely than when we went to physical education. Most days we divided up into teams to play football. Over and over again I was the last one chosen. I wanted so badly to prove my worth. On those rare occasions when the football was thrown my way I tried too hard and dropped it. This further cemented my getting chosen last from then on.

Getting chosen early for a team back then had more to do with worth than position. It did not matter that I was a classmate. All that mattered is if I could perform on the field.

I am so glad God does not deal with us in this manner. He chose me. There is no explanation for it. I do not nor did I ever bring anything of worth to His table. He knows my flaws, my sin, and inconsistency. He also knows my passion. He chose me. [Ephesians 1:4-5] for He chose us in Him, before the foundations of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted through Jesus Christ for Himself, according to His favor and will.

In love, grace, and mercy God chose me to play for Him. I did not have to prove myself first. In fact, I had nothing to offer Him and He had everything to offer me. In pure love He chose me. It is truly an amazing story.

In 1983 I went to a junior varsity football game. I had no idea God had me dead in His sights. I went to watch a game and to hang out with my girl friend. Well into the game I was approached by two guys I knew from high school and a bearded man. Though I knew the two guys from school I would not have considered them friends. They would later become some of my closest friends.

The bearded man struck up a conversation with me that quickly turned to matters of where I would spend eternity. I did not know how to answer His questions. I did revere God though I did not live for Him. I believed in God's existence and Jesus Christ but this had no effect on the way I lived. Soon the bearded man pulled me aside from the rest of the group to talk to me privately.

Before long he introduced me to Jesus Christ as my Savior. I trusted Christ for forgiveness of sin. Yet that is not the end of the story. The amazing grace of God goes much further than that. When I think of how the bearded man was saved being the son of a Jew and a Lutheran, I am humbled. When I think of how God called that man from North Carolina to Lufkin, TX to serve as a student minister I am amazed. When I further dwell on how he left his new wife and the comforts of an evening at home on that Thursday night to travel to Abe Martin Stadium for the purpose of sharing the gospel with anyone he could, I am more humbled. When I contemplate how much God loved me enough to pursue me when I had no intention of seeking Him I am flabbergasted.

He came after me. He loved me. He pursued me. He chose me. Amazing! He wanted me due to no merit of my own. He chose to love me purely out of His will. I did not deserve it! I could not earn it! By simple faith and His will I embraced it.

All these years later, while reading in Ephesians this morning, I am still humbled that He chose me. I think I have some small measure of understanding what motivated John Newton to write that famous hymn "Amazing Grace." I was a wretch but God chose to extend grace to me a very unlikely candidate. Now my mission is to share this good news with others.

Every single good thing I have in my life I owe to Jesus Christ. Brenda. Taylor. Tanner. Tucker. Turner. Jennifer. All blessings given to me through Jesus Christ. I have a purpose for living to preach and write. I have all my needs supplied through His abundant resources. I have been offered the treasure of friendship from people from all over the state of Texas. All gifts from the Lord. All going back to God choosing me that Thursday night back in 1983. Absolutely astounding. Praise to His name in life and even in death. Till that day may I live and breathe to praise the name of Jesus and live like one chosen.

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