Friday, June 14, 2013


In the quietness of our living room Brenda and I had closure last night and today. We spent a little time jotting our "John Henry" on a few documents and sent them back to the title company. With that we no longer own 2112 NW Ave B in Seminole, TX.

As I reflect on that answer to prayer for the past two years I am humbled by the faithfulness of God. First, in providing so we never missed a house payment. Second, in providing great renters who took care of the house and ended up buying it. I hope they enjoy it as much as we did. God protected the house from needing major repairs and the minor things that had to be repaired, we thank God for His provision to make that possible.

In a few days we will close on the purchase of our house in Runaway Bay. This is another step of faith but one we feel God leading us to take. We will undertake the arduous process of moving things from this house and our storage unit in a few weeks. I look forward to our first meal together seated around our dining table. I have missed that over the past two years. I look forward to my first quiet time in my home office. That office is space is a direct answer to prayer prayed over the past ten years. I look forward to sitting in our living room to watch a movie as a family and there being enough seating for everyone in our family so nobody has to sit on the floor. I also look forward to using that home to entertain people.

In some ways the selling of our house puts some closure on our ministry in Seminole. Yet in my heart we will always be attached to Seminole and those people who have stood with us through thick and thin, especially over the past two years. We will always hold those people dear to our hearts.

Like the sign reads hanging on our wall, "Love Grows in Little Houses." That sign was given to us by a dear friend and yes it is true. Our love and faith have grown. I just finished eating lunch with Brenda and the boys. We enjoyed non-stop laughter together. I am a blessed man and the size of a house does not alter that fact one bit.

I will never understand why my time in Seminole was so short. Today life and ministry have me in Wise County and it is there that I seek to give my life and service. Seminole, we may have closed on our house today but we will never close our hearts to you. Paradise, you prayed for us to come back and here we are. We are seeking to plant deep roots in the lives of people through Faith Community Church.

Please continue to pray for us as we near the purchase of a home soon to be filled with new memories. Like most things in our lives this is another step of faith.

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