Sunday, December 11, 2016


I walked outside against the arctic blast of a blustery cold front. My first thought after shuddering in the morning chill was to thank God for my coat to give me insulation from the biting winds. 

I walked across a parking lot to get into my vehicle. I thanked God the vehicle started and for the heat that blew once the vehicle warmed up. 

On my drive  I ran over something on a back road. I again thanked God when I returned the same way after the sun came up and saw I had run over  a baby wild hog barely missing the much larger mother only feet away. 

I thanked God for my breakfast later at Braum's. I thanked God  for a hot meal and the money to pay for it. 

Then I thanked God for the gift of eye sight. To see the yellow of the eggs. The red in the tomatoes. The green in the jalapeños  and on my cup. I could see the brown of the pepper shaker, the blue of the ink as I wrote in my journal against the white backdrop of my spiritual page. 

I am thankful for a wife I have shared twenty-five years of marriage together. I love her deeply and thankful that I get to share life with her. She stands with me. She is my true helpmate. I am thankful for the four boys we have that have brought innumerable joys to my life. I am thankful for true brothers and sisters in Christ who have been a continual source of encouragement and support in every season of life. 

I am thankful most of all for Jesus. His love, grace, salvation, and guidance mean more than I can ever put into words. He took a wretched, troubled, and sullen east Texas teenager and saved him. He gave me a purpose and a calling. He gifted me to  write and preach. He planted passion in me. He has given me so many opportunities even when I have made critical mistakes. 

Thanksgiving Day is weeks behind me but I am still thankful. There are many blessings if I will just take time to think about them and maintain approach life with a thankful attitude. 

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