Sunday, October 30, 2016

Kermit Confirmation

Today while preaching I talked about how Jesus has directed me to go to Kermit to hold a revival. While there have been several dreams pointing in that direction none of those gave me confirmation two other things did.

There is a man in our church named Dale who walks at the Bridgeport High School track daily. While walking there he met a man. As they conversed over their meetings at the track somehow my name came cup. The second man had heard of me. He heard of me while I was in Seminole about five hours away from Bridgeport. What is the likelihood? He also knew about the three week revival we enjoyed while in Seminole. During that conversation Dale mentioned the dreams I had about Kermit. Would you believe it, the second guy grew up in Kermit. He still has family there.

What are the chances that a man from our small church would meet a man at the track who had  heard of me, knew of the revival in Seminole, and grew up in Kermit? You will not convince me that was not God confirming His call of me to head to Kermit.

Today I shared that story as a sermon illustration. Brenda told me something shocking on our way to lunch. A lady who has visited our church the past two Sundays went up to Brenda at the conclusion of the service to tell her she has a sister who lives in the Kermit area. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

So plans for the Kermit revival are underway. The dates are set for July 23-29. We have located a tent to rent. We are trusting God for close to $4,000 to rent the large canvas tent that will seat about 400 people. If we rent chairs there will be additional expenses. We will begin some advertising after the first of the year requiring more miraculous provision. Each step of this is a step of faith. We do not have money to pull this off and yet God has invited us to join Him and the work He wants to do in Kermit. Where He guides He also provides.

So we pray. We pray for God to prepare the hearts of the people in Kermit. We pray for provision for each step of this revival. We pray for favor in the community. We also plan. We are currently looking for a location to pitch the tent.  I am headed to Kermit on Nov 8 to investigate a location. (I early voted.) There is much work to be done in preparation.

I also have to rewrite the Shake The City Revival Devotion book with expanded material to be ready to distribute 40 days prior to the start of the revival. This will require more miraculous provision.

God has confirmed His call on my life to do this. I am stepping out on faith. I thank Him for His clear confirmation. May He be glorified through this pursuit of Him for revival in Kermit, TX.

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