Sunday, October 9, 2016


Are you empty? Has your tank run dry? Are you coasting through life on fumes rather than fuel. There are mothers who are tired from the daily chores of managing a home as well multiple schedules. Fathers run on empty from the pressures of work and financial stress. A person can get to the point when they have nothing left to give. Yet there are still demands and duties to meet.

Empty people are like people running on a treadmill. They may exert a great deal of energy and effort but not go anywhere.

Empty people have nothing left to give until they are refilled.

A picture of water can hold a definite amount, let's say 60 ounces of water. Throughout the day if you pour water from that picture eventually it will empty. No matter how many times you pick it up and turn it upside down, if it empty, nothing will come out. It has nothing left to give. Cups will go unfilled. That is unless you stop and refill the picture.

So it is with people. That is what people need to do. They need to be refilled with joy.
People who give and give constantly. They get emptied physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They need replenishing. They need to receive. Empty people have nothing to give. They may still go through the motions but they have nothing left to offer anyone.

In the middle of pouring his life out as a drink offering, [Phil 2:17] Paul says two things He exhorts his readers to have joy ad to share joy. How do you have joy internally when externally there is so much pain, sorrow, wickedness, and trials externally.  Is it possible to be replenished and maintain joy in joyless situations?

Evidently Paul thought so. When he poured his life out and emptied himself where did he find replenishment? Where did he find joy?

First, let's tackle the source of joy for Paul. The answer is found in chapter three. Philippians 3:1 (NASB) 
1  Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for you. 

Jesus is our source of joy. We can rejoice  in His love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, help, deliverance, comfort, counsel, peace, and faithfulness. When we are empty Jesus fills us. We have to find the surpassing value of knowing Him wile counting other things as loss. [Phil 3:7-8]He strengthens us to go through another mundane Monday, a terrible Tuesday, and all the way through a sorrowful Saturday. When we are empty He refuels us with  His gladness. 

Another way he does that is by sending people along side us to help and to encourage us. Paul had Timothy and Epaphroditus. They shared in Paul's joy. I am certain they also shared their joy. Don't we all need people to share their joy with us from time to time. When you are having a bad day but someone shoulders next to you sharing their gladness they found in Jesus it can help you find hope. 

Empty people do not have much hope. Just as people can share their joy with you, there are also others that rob joy. Paul identified these people as dogs, evil workers, and false circumcision. Unfortunately, some of the people who drain the most and hurt others the most are so called religious people. They may appear to be religious on the outside but inside they are wicked. Even so, such people cannot rob your joy if you remain focused on Jesus and surround yourself with people who share their joy with you through encouragement. 

We are surrounded by empty people. Yo might sit  next to many of them in the stands. You may have been on the same row with them in worship today. You will pass them on the way to work tomorrow. There are empty people who have poured their lives out giving and giving to their families, to their employers, and to extended family and friends. They have nothing left to offer anyone. 

Jesus replenishes. Ask Him to refill you. He might do it through another person as they share their joy with you. He did so with me recently through an eighth grade boy named Trey. Trey is a blond haired good looking kid always happy, always smiling, and always positive except when competing. I never see him around town that he does not greet me with a smile, a handshake, and sometimes even a hug. He is one of the most joyously contagious people I've ever known. It is hard to be around Trey without that joy and gladness rubbing off onto you. God has used Trey to fill my cup and brighten my day many times. 

I am thankful that when we are empty we can be refilled with joy from Jesus and His people. We don't have to stay empty. We can live life full. 

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