Monday, October 31, 2016

Cult Church

cult |kəltnouna system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object: the cult of St. Olaf.• relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister: a network of Satan-worshiping cults.• a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing: a cult of personality surrounding the leaders.• [usually as modifiera person or thing that is popular or fashionable, especially among a particular section of society: a cult film.
Faith Community Church was recently labeled as a cult church by a fellow believer in Jesus. This person has spread gossip about our church incessantly. This person has never attended one of our worship services or Bible studies. Yet they label our church as a cult. 
So I am here to set the record straight. 
First, if part of a cult is religious veneration directed toward the person of Jesus Christ we are guilty as charged. We make no apologies for calling people to love Jesus first and most. We make no apologies for preaching that knowing Him is of surpassing value to every other relationship and all this world has to offer. If loving, worshipping, and serving Jesus makes us a cult church we are guilty. 
Second, if we have an excessive admiration for the person of Jesus and that makes us a cult again we are guilty as charged. He is our Savior, our Lord, our Master, and we follow hIm with excessive admiration. He is the head of Faith Community Church and we follow His leadership. We seek to be His expression of grace, mercy, and love in a fallen and broken world. 
Third, we seek, serve, and submit ourselves to Jesus even though He is not fashionable to this world.  Jesus is often considered out of vogue with the times we live in. His morality is considered outdated. His political views are incorrect and often intolerant in todays society. We like Jesus just the way He is. We embrace His person and His teachings wholeheartedly. In our desire to know Him we press on for the power of His resurrection and we understand that being falsely accused is a small part of the fellowship of His sufferings. We endure ill treatment by fellow brothers and sisters for the sake of Him who endured the cross on our behalf. 
We preach and teach the holy scriptures verse by verse. We worship in spirit and truth. We remember the Lord through communion. We celebrate baptism when God saves. We love one another. If that makes us a cult church it is a label we proudly wear. 

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