Monday, October 22, 2012

Overcoming Adversity

Everybody faces adversity from time to time. None of us are immune. I have faced a fair share in recent days. We recently discovered our house in Seminole had a leak in the master bathroom. Repair estimates range between $4,000-$5,000. While mowing last week a part broke on the mower (a part under warranty thank God). When the mower broke I was in the middle of mowing two major yards. I ended up having to push mow both yards for five and a half hours. I did not finish mowing until it was dark.

Everybody faces adversity. Now here is the question. How do you cope with adversity? You could cope with it by giving up. You could deal with your afflictions by bemoaning the difficulties. You could waste mental energy, prayer, and your time with self pity.

Two experiences taught me a great deal about overcoming adverse circumstances this past week. When my mower broke last week I wanted to quit. I was about half way through mowing a huge lot and then had a large residential yard to mow before finishing for the night. Everything in me wanted to give up. I kept thinking, "I gave my word I would mow today. I have to keep my word." Twenty-four inches at a time I mowed a strip of that lot and that residential yard. It was hard.

Before the night ended my feet were killing me. I strained my groin at one point making it more difficult to push the mower and to walk in general. As my body screamed out for relief I pressed on one step and one strip at a time. One section at a time I mowed and then determinedly moved onto the next section. There were times when I had to sit down for a short break and get something to drink.

In the end I finished. I could barely see to load the equipment in the back of my truck. After a shower and some supper I crashed in my bed for a much needed night of rest. Mowing that day and into the evening is a metaphor for life. When we face adversity we just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. One step at a time we push forward. In time we will prevail if we do not lose heart. It might not seem we are making much progress but we do if we do not give up one step at a time.

I learned how to overcome adversity while training for my upcoming bike ride for Honduras. I rode twenty-three miles yesterday. Most of it went smoothly that is until I got to the last two miles. I had to ride into blustery headwinds. My feet were burning. My hands ached from gripping the handlebar. My legs were fatigued from miles of pedaling to conquer hills. My bottom hurt from the seat. My back ached from being bent over for so long. I wanted to be done but those last two miles the wind blew so hard I had to gear down and put my head down to push through it. On top of that I had to climb another short hill before I could make my way back home. Every revolution of the legs seemed more difficult. The adversity of the wind, the hill, and my fatigue were mentally challenging.

As I put my head down and quit looking at the hill but rather focused on steady and efficient pedaling I knew I would get to the top and eventually turn out of the wind. That is exactly what happened. The whole ordeal proved grueling. I kept my head down, lowered my shoulders and concentrated on pedaling. I kept thinking to myself, "Just keep pedaling." Eventually I made it to the top and breezed the rest of the way back to the house.

I see people facing adversity all around me. Some grieve the loss of family members. Others grieve dismal doctor's diagnosis. Some have to cope with daily chronic pain. Others labor to dig themselves out of financial pits ever so slowly. Many find themselves in miserable working conditions and want a better job.

We are going to face adversity in life. Just like I know when I ride my bike I am going to have navigate uphill climbs and brisk winds so are we going to face tough times. Mentally we must prepare by thinking on God's word. One of the things I have to focus on in my bike training is what I eat before and after a ride. What I eat before helps me to endure. What I eat afterward helps me to recover. What I read in God's word as the day begins helps me to endure. What I read throughout the day helps me to recover and get prepared for the next day.

What I learned from my mowing experience and riding experience is yes adversity does come. I also learned that adversity comes to an end. It may not seem like it when you are the middle of it. Sooner or later the trials will ease, the pain will subside, and the rest will come. I felt so good after a night of sleep and some right nutrition I got up this morning and rode again. It seemed much easier this morning.

You can overcome adversity of all shapes and sizes because Jesus Christ lives in you and strengthens you if you have trusted Him for salvation. We can do all things through Him who strengthens us. [Phil 4:13] These momentary afflictions cannot compare to what awaits every redeemed child of God in eternity. Press on and do not give in or give up.

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