Sunday, October 7, 2012

Grab the Crown - Avoid the Cross

I recently read this statement and it set me to thinking. "Grab the crown but avoid the cross." We like success, notoriety, fortune, and elevated status. We equally dislike the cross when it comes to our suffering, trials, sorrows, and death to the flesh inside us.

People live life to grab the crown. They want their kids to excel. They want their economic status to increase along with the toys that are associated with success. They want the newest and best. How many will really wake up this morning wanting more of the cross. Did you wake up today thinking you wanted the world crucified to you and you to the world. [Gal 6:14] That is not normal thinking.

We do not mind following Christ. The subtle message in many churches is this, "Come try Jesus. He will enhance your life. He will bless you." Few there are who preach the message Jesus preached, "If anyone wants to come after Me let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me. [Matt 16:24] Taking up your cross is a call to die to self and to be willing to suffer for the cause of Christ. Not many takers for that.

We like the idea of increase, success, blessing, and God's favor. We dislike the idea of suffering, death to selfish dreams and desires, hardships, trials, and sorrows. We think anyone who follows Jesus should have an easy road. I have found from reading Christian history that many of those who loved Jesus most also embraced the cross and suffered the most.

Shouldn't it be said, "Embrace the cross and dismiss the crown." People are going to be called to suffer for Christ. I am reading a book written by Watchman Nee. He embraced the cross and suffered. Dietrich Bonhoeffer suffered. John Wesley suffered persecution as well as the apostle Paul. Martin Luther lived in exile for a season because he was a wanted man by the church at Rome. Polycarp embraced the cross even when it meant being burned at the stake. I could go on and on.  I think you get the point.

I don't like trials. I do not enjoy suffering on any level. If called to embrace the cross along with persecution, misunderstandings, and personal loss may God help me to do so willingly. If God chooses me to be elevated may I do so humbly.

May we all live to embrace the cross and to dismiss the crown. "To the old rugged cross I will ever be true. I will cling to the old rugged cross until all my trophies I lay down and exchange it some day for a crown." I love that old hymn. I cannot tell you the last time I heard it sung in any church I attended. It is an old fashioned song for a new fangled age. We no longer love the old rugged cross. How I pray we would once again learn to embrace the cross and dismiss the crown.

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