Sunday, February 19, 2012

Jesus, Do You Care?

Most of the blogs I write are born out of my private times with the Lord. As I sit with Him and read scripture morning after morning He speaks. Today He spoke through [Mark 4:35-41]. You know the story well. Jesus and the disciples were traveling across the sea when a violent storm arose. Jesus slept and the disciples doubted not only their on safety but Jesus' concern for their situation.

That is when they asked the question, "Teacher, do you not care that we are about to perish?" On one front it seems like a legitimate question. The storm was fierce. The waves were splashing over the sides of the boat so much so the boat had nearly become swamped. In such a storm the possibility of the boat sinking and the disciples drowning seemed like a real possibility.

This is where many of us live. We live asking, "Jesus do you care?" We face our own storms. Some are physical in nature. My wife battles rheumatoid arthritis. She aches every day and throughout the night. She told me yesterday if we did not have insurance her medications would cost over $20,000 a year. To be honest my first thought was, "Jesus do you not care? Why don't you just heal her completely as I have asked repeatedly so she does not need any medication?" I received no response from the Lord.

Some of you are battling emotional storms causing you to feel overwhelmed and without hope. Your spouse does not change. Your parents never seem supportive or show unconditional love. The boss is continually on your case demanding more productivity. Your work around the house is taken for granted. You are emotionally spent dealing with complicated and fractured relationships. You feel overwhelmed and begin to question, "Jesus don't you care?"

Some are battling spiritual storms. Perhaps you are confused by the mysterious ways God is working in your life. Maybe you cannot wrap your mind around why your trials do not end. Perhaps you grapple with doubt and despair that God will come through for you. Secretly in your soul you whisper, "Jesus do you care?"

I can relate. Suffice it to say that after years of a life spent seeking God in prayer and trusting Him for the impossible, I found myself recently asking Jesus if He really cared. I even entertained doubts and camped out with them.

God has spoken the same thing in response to my question, "Jesus do you care?" For the past two weeks God has jackhammered one response into my heart as I read through the book of Matthew and the book of Mark. His response to my question also came in the form of a question. "Why is your faith so little?" "Why do you have no faith?"

I have come to two conclusions. One of the great benefits of faith and prayer is the peace God gives His children in the middle of tough times. So much of the focus on my prayers is wanting to see the miracles come, the mountains moved, the circumstances changed. Now I understand more what God desires is that I be transformed on the inside to cope with whatever storms come into my life. While I focus on my outward challenges God often is more focused on my inward transformation. That is one of the great benefits of faith. When I truly have faith the storms do not rattle me. I trust God knows what He is doing and I know some storms are out of my ability to control.

The other thing I see relates to Jesus absolute perfect trust in His Father. How could Jesus sleep and the disciples stress? Jesus had inner peace with His Father. He had perfect trust and therefore could sleep soundly. The disciples had no inner peace. In fact Jesus did not chastise them for having little faith. He rebuked the fact they had no faith. The word "no" means "none at all." Truth is I have made the land of no faith my dwelling place far more frequently than I would like to admit which translated into my asking Jesus if He cared what I have been facing. This contributes to my stress levels, my anxiety, and inability to sleep soundly through the night. As I write this I have been up three and a half hours and the sun is not even up. Jesus slept in the middle of violent storm because He knew His Father had complete control over the storm and His life. This is a lesson I need to learn and suspect many of you too.

Jesus calmed the storm that night but more importantly to me is the fact He calmed me reading that passage this morning. My circumstances have not changed at all. Something has changed in me though. I know and believe God is in control. He is more than able to accomplish all that concerns me today as well as you. This is a comforting truth. It brings a calmness to my soul and mind.

So in response to our question, "Jesus do you care?" hear Him asking you, "Child do you trust Me?" If you really trust Him you will never doubt His care. You may not understand His ways but you will never doubt His love. Today I choose faith. What about you? In the days ahead I trust Jesus to keep shoring up that faith in all of us. He does care. He is not absent. Never mistake His silence for His absence. Yes, Jesus does care. Trust Him with whatever storm you are facing today.

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