Monday, September 5, 2011

Throwing Against the Wind

Tanner and I just finished playing catch with the new football he got this past weekend. Over night a cool front blew through leaving amazing temperatures for the first time since last spring. The longer we threw I began to notice his balls were thrown with a tight spiral while mine wobbled quite a bit.

He has a much younger arm than I do. Too many baseball, softball, and football games in addition to lifting weights have all taken their toll. It dawned on me after a while his balls were better than mine because he was throwing with the wind at his back. I had to throw right into the teeth of a stiff breeze. It took a great deal more effort than I cared to expend just to get my throws to Tanner. He continually sailed balls over my head.

Life is like that. One person may be sailing through life with the wind at his or her back experiencing triumph after triumph. Their neighbor, on the other hand, may be trudging through each day with the wind in their face. They may scratch and claw to get ahead with all the strength they can muster only to be blown back by the winds of life.

I have lived long enough to enjoy seasons where the wind was at my back and I have lived to brave through times when the wind was in my face. Currently I am experiencing both at the same time. The wind is at my back starting this church. God continues to bless. New families continue to come. The hand of God is evident. On the other hand getting my house sold in Seminole (which holds us back from getting a house in Paradise) is the wind in my face. I drove out of Seminole with a suitcase, backpack, and three boxes of books seven weeks ago. I never dreamed when I pulled out of town that day the wind would be against us in selling a house and getting settled into a new home. All of us continue to live out of suitcases. There are challenges but we have food to eat, a place to sleep, and to shower. It is not all bad.

There are days when the winds of adversity get the best of me emotionally. There are days when I feel the icy grip of depression taking hold. There are days when the frustration mounts and I question what the Lord is up to. Instead of giving up, I keep bringing my petitions to the only God who listens and can help. There are other days when my faith soars like an eagle. There are days when the word of God nourished and reassures me God is faithful and is working out His good purposes.

I know you face your own battles against the wind. Cancer, job loss, divorce, relational conflicts, financial set backs, and fatigue all make life difficult. You really do have a choice. You can quit. Many do. You can fold up your tent and give up. You can resign yourself to a perpetual pity party. Nothing will change and in fact things could get worse. That is still an option.

On the other hand, you can persevere and press on. You resolutely set your course and stride against the winds prevailing against you. You may only make progress inch by inch day by day but you will grow stronger. It may require more effort to get through each day but with God’s help you will get through the day. You will keep going forward.

We know the winds cease eventually. They will lighten and in time they may begin to blow against our back. We must keep this in mind as we press on through each blustery day with the wind in our faces. Better days will come. Our mountains will be moved. Peace will over shadow confusion. Our burdens will be lifted. For many years I have found great solace in [Ps 27:13-14] I hope God will use that scripture in your life to help you push forward even though the winds are against you.

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