Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Tapestry

Like a finely woven tapestry – so has God woven people through my days,

Each has added value, taught and tempered modeling Jesus and His ways,

Each is a blessing far beyond my ability to speak or write words to express,

How God takes people through joy and pain their hearts are compressed,

Friends and flock have added warmth and comfort against wintery blasts,

Though some have been left behind the depth of love and friendship lasts,

God, thank you for the flocks you have entrusted me to nurture and feed,

Thank you for the harvest of those you saved after sowing the gospel seed,

Many have stood by our side as the hands, feet, and heart of dear Jesus,

We have labored for God’s glory working for Him who always sees us,

Thank you for the intercessors who have prayed hours and hours on end,

God thanks for the folks who braved the trials and stood against the wind,

I am grateful for the people who loved not only with words but also with deeds,

Many have given financially in answer to our prayers helping in time of needs,

Some have given us blessings such as clothing, books, food, and even sunglasses,

Some gave financially so I could travel abroad taking the gospel to the masses,

Many have sent cards, letters, and messages of affirmation, love, and lots of hope,

Some may not appear significant but were life to one clinging to the end of his rope,

Each person but a single thread in the tapestry of our ministry – each one endeared,

Fondly woven memories in our minds and on our hearts have each been seared,

In the tough times these have blanketed us to shield from the pain and suffering,

That God often uses to shape our character through pressure and some buffering,

God thank you for those who have stayed the course and served so valiantly,

Together we serve and fight for You charging ahead courageously and gallantly,

My cup overflows with the blessing of the tapestry of family, friends and flock,

May I always treasure them until the last chiming and ticking of my life’s clock.

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