Thursday, September 22, 2011


Yesterday I took my bike out for its first return to Paradise ride. At first I had to get adjusted to riding a bike much lighter and faster than the mountain bike I have been riding the past several weeks. Soon I grew comfortable shifting gears and pedaling faster. I chose a brutal route though. Thirteen grueling miles with eighteen different hills. By far this route proved to be most challenging since I moved back to Paradise. One road had seven hills in a row one right after the other.

Along the way I saw a couple of different people from the church. All in all I had a great ride but all the hills began to take a toll. I have not ridden thirteen miles since living in Seminole and there are no hills out there. The ride challenged my endurance and strength.

When I came to the last leg of the ride I had to navigate a road with three hills in a row and finish the ride on another couple of roads with one hill each. I had to finish though my legs, feet, and calves burned. Quitting was not an option.

I enjoyed private elation when I finished and came to the driveway of our temporary residence. Relieved I dismounted to park my bike in the garage of our friend. It dawned on me then that riding my bike and surmounting every hill is symbolic of life and overcoming trials. Some hills are steeper and longer than others just like some trials are more difficult than others.

While reading the scriptures this morning two verses really touched my heart. Let me share them with you. “So he built the house and finished it; and he covered the house with beams and planks of cedar.” [I Kings 6:9] “So Solomon built the house and finished it.” [I Kings 6:14]

The context of these two verses is Solomon led the cause to build a temple for the Lord and he spared no expense in doing it with excellence. Here is the thought that captured me today. Twice the scripture read Solomon finished the task.

I am a dreamer, a visionary, some might say. I have dreamed great dreams for God wherever He has planted me. I remember my first great ministry dream as a youth pastor in Weatherford, TX. I dreamed another great dream in the first church I served as pastor in Burke, TX. I continued to dream grand dreams of writing books, taking mission trips, holding and preaching tent crusades, and hosting teen and college outreach services when I founded No Compromise Ministries.

God planted the dream in my heart to start CentrePointe Community Church. The dream died painfully. I dreamed grand dreams in Paradise when I served First Baptist Church to see the church grow and relocate. When the Lord moved us again I began to dream grand dreams for Seminole. Now I have a dream of buying land and buildings for a hospital in Copan Ruinas, Honduras but we have only raised $18,000 toward a needed $152,000.

Now here I am once again dreaming a grand dream for God in starting Faith Community Church but here is what got to me this morning. Seldom have I seen the dreams come true with the exception and publishing some of my books. I do not doubt God’s leadership in relocating my ministry from time to time. I just want to see a dream realized and finished. This was brought home even further this past weekend.

Brenda and I attended the retirement reception for my pastor, Charles Roberts, who retired this past Sunday after thirty-four years at the same church. The scriptures this morning coupled with Brother Charles’ thirty-four year legacy give me the desire to finish. I want to stay the course and finish the ministry God has set before me with endurance.

Starting a project is much easier than finishing. I felt more energetic at the start of my ride yesterday than near the end. Starting this church is new and exciting today but what about years down the road. In two churches I have begun the initial process of drawing up long-range plans for building. I have not even got to see either one break ground.

On this day I am asking God to allow me to finish the dreams He puts in my heart. I want to see every dime raised for the hospital in Copan Ruinas. Could God use you to be a part of making that dream come true? Every financial gift is needed and welcome along with prayers. I want to see it finished for the glory of God.

I want to see Faith Community Church grow and impact this area. I want to see facilities built at some point and completed as well as paid off debt free. I want to see dozens and dozens of other books, I not only write, but also publish and distribute all over the state, nation, and the world. I want to finish.

Each dream comes with challenges just like my bike ride yesterday. Finishing is harder than starting. O Lord, please let me stay and finish the dreams you put in my heart. Please help me persevere with the hospital in Copan Ruinas. Please grant me the discipline, inspiration and strength to keep writing for you. Please let me stay to see Faith Community Church grow and be used mightily for you. Make me a finisher. In Jesus name, amen.

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