Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Microscope or Telescope

Do you remember those days back in science class when you looked through a microscope? You could look at something very small (even invisible to the naked eye) but examine it closely under the microscope. Many people live their lives as viewing through a microscope.

They become fixated on some problem and examine it more and more closely. What happens in the process is the problem is perceived to be bigger than it really is and perspective about the problem is lost under microscopic viewing. I am guilty as charged.

What in your life is dominating most of your thoughts, prayers, and energy? I bet as you read this it did not take you long to identify your problem or your need. Are you looking at that view through a microscope? You are if you have replaced your worship of God for your worry over your problem. If you sleep fitfully at night you may have become so fixated on your situation through microscopic viewing you can no longer see the bigger picture. You have lost perspective if you feel yourself sinking in despair rather than being lost in the wonder and worship of a greater view of God.

When you are looking at your problems and needs as through a microscope you become oblivious to the bigger picture. I am not trying to minimize the tough stuff you are going through. I know it is not easy. While fixated on our problems we are missing out on the mercies of God all around us. A cool morning is a welcome reprieve after sixty something days of triple digit temperatures. A cloudless sky or a sky darkened with clouds and rain falling. We miss out on the true joy of a hug of a child, the kiss of a spouse, a timely scripture from God, and a sumptuous meal enjoyed with people you love. Tunnel vision toward our problems robs us our joy in the Lord, creates doubts in our minds, and fills us with despair.

My challenge is for all us to put our microscopic vision away and take out our telescopic lenses so we can see the bigger the picture. Quit looking through the knot hole in the fence and turn your thoughts onto God and what the Bible tells us He can do. What concerns you so much today may not even be a second or third thought a year from now. Problems come and they go. That is the natural course of life.

Why get so worked up over something today that in hindsight will not be that big a deal. I challenge you to turn your eyes to the telescope of Ps 63:1-8. This is where my eyes landed this morning in my private worship. The more I turned my attention to look through the telescope of the scriptures to Almighty God, my problems shrunk while peace and faith increased. The problems no longer dominated my thinking. Today I have looked at life through the telescope of scripture and rediscovered a God who is the object of my affections and relentless pursuits. My problems are laid before Him. I choose to trust God to fight my battles and to move my mountains. I beheld Him in the sanctuary of my heart and mind.

In the process I rested in His power strength and might. Whatever you are up against today He can handle it. He has peace for the troubled mind. He has provision for the needy. He has strength for the weak. He has healing for the sick. He has love for the unloved. He has conviction and grace for the lost. He has revival for the backslidden and prodigal. His power is sufficient to help in your time of need. If you are looking through the microscope at your problems and are becoming engulfed by the enormity of them you will not trust God. You will doubt His ability to come through for you.

If you do not look through the telescope of your spirit to focus on the glory of God you will not be captivated by Him. What a beautiful God. His majesty defies description. He is good. His ways are good. His purposes are good. If all we focus on is our problems, we will forget to look for His beauty and goodness and be deceived by our emotions and thoughts. That is why [Phil 4:6-7] is so needed.

Slow down long enough to set your microscope aside along with your troubles and take out the telescope of your faith and gaze long and hard at the power and glory of God. The reward will be worth the effort. Hey, do me a favor and let me know how this turns out for you. You can email me at matt@fccparadise.com

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