Sunday, May 30, 2010

Endless Expedition

I recently read about the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore what is now the continental United States. I had no idea how extensive the preparations were for that vast undertaking. I also had no clue years after the expedition Mr. Lewis lost the battle for the expedition of his own soul. Many historians believe he shot himself while others believe he was murdered. Either way, stories abound about his being addicted to alcohol and opium. His life did not end as triumphantly as his expedition.

How could a man of such courage, discipline, and determination not be able to explore the depths of his own soul? I believe he discovered something else while on his quest. When the great task was completed I believe he was left empty and hollow. He was hailed as a hero but this did not satisfy. His expedition was not endless. There was a starting point and an ending point. When there was no further land to explore Clark really had no more purpose. Many people live their lives this way.

This is why for years I have campaigned for people to spend their days on the endless expedition of exploring God. He is vast. Even in making that statement I am assured it is an understatement. God is expansive, unending, and endless. There is so much to explore and discover. Brilliant minds have set themselves to master the art of knowing Him and have gone to their graves only having scratched the surface in knowing Him.

I challenge you not to just know about Him. I exhort you to get to know Him. I urge you to become intimately acquainted with Him. I plead with you to set your course in the study of the knowledge of Him. Explore Him. Investigate Him. Examine Him from all angles. Let your soul become mesmerized by the majestic views of His sovereignty. Stand in hushed silence as you view the deep chasm of his mercy. Scale the lofty heights of His holiness. Let the breezes of His loving kindness fill your soul and lips with His praises. Shield your eyes against the sunrise of radiant splendor of His shekinah glory. Walk in the fields of His vast wisdom. You could spend your life just on those things.

We have not even discussed sailing the oceans of His omniscience. What about standing underneath the waterfall of His love or being cleansed in the streams of His righteousness. There are still forests of His faithfulness that have not been trod and who can neglect the warmth of His all seeing eye? Have you walked in the green meadows of His grace and felt the serenity beside His still waters? Like towering trees is the triumph of the cross. He is the green tree of life in the midst of desert wasteland. Do you know Him?

Many sit in church year after year and gather facts and mental information. How many know Him in their hearts? How many have spent their lives on an endless expedition to explore the grandeur of God? There is not a more noble expedition. If you have not I hope you will start your journey today. There is much to see and behold. “Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, to see your power and your glory. Because your loving kindness is better than life, my lips will praise you.” [Ps 63:2-3]

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