Tuesday, October 31, 2017

When Bad Becomes Normal

All over society bad is becoming normal. Case in point. 

Over lunch with some college friends I heard the story about a high school student during a school assembly dismiss himself to go to the restroom. When a school official noticed he had not returned in a timely manner the student was searched out. He was found having sex with a female student in another part of the school facilities. Fornication abounds. There is no hiding it. There is no shame. Sex is flaunted in the public sector and on social media. 

I noticed recently a sitcom titled "Lucifer." Can you imagine? The arch enemy of Jehovah now has a sitcom mocking the sinister realities of the devastation he brings to families. I am sure the sitcom character Lucifer is cool, smart, resourceful, and successful. Not the picture the Bible paints of our enemy. First he is a liar. He is a deceiver. He entices people with temptation and then condemns them when they fall and fail. He accuses the brethren. He leads people to get comfortable with sin and to think it is normal. He does all the way to death and eternal damnation. 

In our society bad has become normal. A man can now marry another man and a woman marry another woman legally according to civil law but NOT THE LAW OF GOD. People can change their gender through medical procedures but GOD DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES WHEN HE INTRICATELY WEAVES PEOPLE IN THEIR MOHTER'S WOUND. HE DETERMINES THE GENER. 

Alcohol is rampant in every fabric of society including Christian homes. Many will argue the point the Bible does not forbid drinking. It certainly forbids drunkenness. It forbids immorality that often follows excessive alcohol. It destroys the witness of many. It also blurs the lines for young impressionable eyes who see mom and dad drinking and see no problem with doing the same when offered the devil's brew. How many drunk driving accidents happen every year injuring and killing? Alcohol IS NOT A SIGN OF SOPHISTICATION. 

Marriage covenants are broken regularly with no thought to the consequences. Marriage is no longer viewed as "until death do you part" but is now looked at "as long as I feel like it." 

Politicians are no longer respected. They are greedy, self serving, liars. Jockeying for power and breaking the very laws they are supposed to make and defend. 

Hollywood's rich and famous get embroiled in sexual scandals, anti-America rants, and anti-God lifestyles. God is not mocked. They will reap what they sow. Yet millions idolize them. 

Sin in the church is almost as rampant as sin outside the church. Hypocrisy abounds. Apathy in the pews is epidemic. Holiness is seldom preached and even more rarely lived. 

When bad becomes normal get ready to see the collapse of families, communities, and our country. It happened in the past and it happening right before our eyes today. America, wake up and repent. Let the law of the LORD become the rule of the land again. Let holiness and love of Jehovah become normal and the standard of what is right in America again. If not judgment awaits. 

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