Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A World Spiraling Out Of Control

I awoke yesterday to the horror of the mass shooting in Las Vegas injuring hundreds and killing dozens. It reminded me of how I felt the day of the Columbine shootings and the way I felt on 9-11. 

Disbelief. Shock at the horror and evil actions by those without regard for life. I commented to Brenda recently I do not even recognize this nation I grew up in. 

Civil rights are strained at fevered levels. Unusual weather patterns that many try to explain away with global warming. Earthquakes. Hurricanes. Flooding. Droughts. Unseasonably cool Summers and warm Falls. 

Protests against the national anthem. Anarchy. Assault on law enforcement officers. Lack of freedom of speech if you are speaking from a conservative Christian point of view. Bullying from Hollywood and sports celebrities. 

R.F.I.D. chips already getting planted in employees, medical patients, and expanding to others all the time. Soon the day will come when you will not be able to legally purchase items without such a chip. Christians are forbidden to do this even if it cost us our lives. 

Globalists are constantly pushing for a one world government. Politicians elected to office to represent us the citizens are constantly selling out our best interests to the highest bidders. 

Our world is spiraling out of control at rapid pace. In my estimation only two things can happen. Either God in His mercy will send another spiritual awakening or ultimately Jesus will return and the great tribulation on planet Earth will make these days look like a picnic at the park. 

That is where all of this headed. While many Christians march through life business as usual the truth is planet Earth is headed toward  preordained cataclysmic events of the tribulation and the return of Jesus. That is where all of this headed. 

I make no predictions as some foolish have done. Other than God unbridling His Spirit on this planet in a sweeping spiritual awakening our world has no hope. 

Individuals find hope in the gospel. Individuals find hope in a personal walk with Jesus. Even for those the world spirals further out of control. It may not happen in my life time, though I cannot imagine things really getting better globally. Even if a great spiritual awakening happens the end will still be the same but only delayed. 

Does that mean we lose hope? No. It just means we are informed and we are prepared for what lies ahead. I do not believe the politicians, the pundits, or the prosperity preachers. Great tribulation is coming. This world will eventually further spiral out of control. 

My hope then as my hope today is to cling to Jesus. I do not expect this world to be my forever home. Things here are less appealing and have far less hold on me. I read and watch the news knowing what the scripture inform as to what the end times will look like. 

Does any serious child of God seriously doubt we are living in the end times. Just has forecasters can warn about approaching storms so the Bible warns about the future vents of the end times. 

I said it before but it is worth repeating. In the days of tribulations people will look back on these days as a picnic at the park. Like it or not the truth is far worse days are coming. It may or may not be in our generation. Some generation will live through those horrific days. I think we are already seeing glimpses of those days. Things are going to get worse eventually. That does not mean we give up. We press on. We persist in proclaiming the gospel that more might be saved. We deepen our walks with God and faith to prepare for an ominous future. The Bible predicts our world will spiral out of control. I find myself longing for my eternal home more and more. 

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