Monday, January 30, 2017

Wherever You Go - He Is With You

Moses died. Joshua succeeded him. God wasted no time in instructing Joshua to lead the people across the Jordan to the long awaited promise land.

I wonder what that must have felt like. For forty years they had wandered in the wilderness. Before that Israel lived in bondage to the Egyptians for four centuries. There was always the promise of God to build a mighty nation and have their own land. Generations came and went without ever possessing the promised land.

Finally the day came. What must have gone through Joshua's heart. Were there reservations in his ablity trying to fill the massive leadership void left behind by Moses. Then there was trying to get a massive group of whiners, complainers,  and rebels to all get on the same page to go forward in faith to possess the promised land.

I think I know what Joshua felt. I think the huge responsibility made him weak in the knees. I think he had self doubts. I think far gripped his thinking about all the nations that would have to be defeated in order to possess the land. I wonder if he entertained the thought of staying on the safe side of the Jordan river.

That is where many of God's people choose to reside. They prefer the security of the safe side of the Jordan than the preordained plan of the promised land on the other side. I am convinced right now as I write this and as you read this, God is leading some to possess new land. It will require multiple steps of faith. None will be any harder than the first one. That initial step of faith means saying no to fear, ignoring weakness, and rejecting cowardice.

That first step to leave the safety and security of the known can be unsettling. Even if the known is filled with hardships at least you can comfort yourself that the hardships are known. Over time you learn to live with them. You learn to manage. To leave would mean forsaking the familiar.

Multiple times in the first chapter of Joshua God told His new leader to be strong and courageous. It seems like either Joshua was not taking the message to heart or God wanted to leave no doubt. Maybe it was both. Either way Joshua could not miss the message.

Neither can we today. As you look to what God is calling you to or where He is directing you the same message is applicable. Be strong. The invitation of God to possess new territory is not for the weak of heart. There will be challenges. There will be obstacles. There will be opposition. There will be battles. BE STRONG in the face of all of it. One of the meanings of the word strong is be obstinate. Refuse to turn back. To put it another way be resolved. There are things God wants. Things He wills. He calls you to the other side of the Jordan. He calls you to numerous tests of faith. Your response to all of it must be remaining strong and obstinate through Him who gives you strength. [Phil 4:13]

Remaining obstinate means refusing to quit or be denied. Quitting is often easier than finishing. Giving up is a path of less resistance than completing the mission. BE STRONG.

Then, God commanded Joshua to be courageous. That means to be stout of heart and steadfast. You must choose faith over fear. Not just once. Over and over again you will have to courageously choose faith when it seems all odds are against you.

It is easier to give into fear. It is way easier to doubt than to cling tenaciously to faith. Fear paralyzes people to live beneath God's best. Fear cripples people to live on the safe side rather than to live the adventure of following God wherever He leads.

Why have faith? What is the assurance? Joshua 1:9 (ESV) 
9  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

He is with you and me wherever we go. He was with Joshua and Israel each step of crossing that Jordan. Let that sink in today no matter what God is calling you to do or where He is calling you to follow Him. HE IS WITH YOU. He will accompany you. He will travel alongside you. God will go in the same direction. He will even go before you to prepare the way. 

That is the source of our strength and courage. He goes with us. He does not send us out on our own. We do not have to battle alone. He knows the way and will show us how to get to the end destination. He has already been there. He is not only with you now, will be with you along the journey, but He is already waiting at the end. If He walks with you what do you have to fear? If He already knows the future what do you have to be anxious about?

Let that promise sink in. God is with us. He is with you. This very moment He is with you. Walk with Him. Rest in Him. Rely on Him. Follow stout heartedly and obstinately. There is new land to be possessed and He is with you. 

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