Monday, July 18, 2016

Planet Earth, Jesus Is Our Only Hope

While politicians wag their tongues in deceptive speeches, Jesus is the truth. In an ever increasing immoral society where standards of right and wrong are reinterpreted Jesus is still timeless and unchanging truth.

When race wars destroy lives and the unity of a nation, Jesus loves people of all colors. When people rage that black, white, and blue lives matter, Jesus stansd for the lives of the unborn declaring their rights and lives matter along with the enslaved, oppressed, abused, neglected, bonded, and forgotten. People matter to Jesus.

When the government lies, oppresses, deceives, and sells the soul of the nation to the highest bidder, Jesus is the still the rock to build life on.

When pundits say there are many true religions and ways to heaven Jesus declares, "I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE. Nobody gets to the Father except through Me." [John 14:6]

While news channels work feverishly to stay atop the latest news, Jesus saw the beginning, sees the now, and has already seen the future.

Jesus is the only hope for the world. He is the only way of salvation. He is the true Light of the world even though people prefer to live in darkness. He is the Bread of Life to satisfy hungry souls. He is peace in the middle of the storms of life. He is a firm foundation. He is strength when life weakens a person's resolve to keep trying. Jesus is hope. He is security. He is provider. He is a rescuer and a deliverer.

Jesus is the only hope for a world gone mad and losing her moral compass. Jesus is the true north. He is a safe harbor. Planet Earth, please turn to Him today. Jesus is our only hope.

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