Monday, April 27, 2015

In The Dark

A few days ago I found myself at home alone. Brenda and the boys were gone and I settled in for a day of praying and reading. I had just nestled into my chair to begin when I noticed how dark the room seemed. From my chair I looked out the small window located above our front door. I could see the ominous clouds building outside.

I only had the lamp lit next to my chair which had been sufficient earlier. As the clouds thickened I got up to look out our dining table window. A storm was brewing. Soon it began to sprinkle, rain, and then the thunder and torrential downpour ensued. Before long it appeared like night outside. I had to turn on more light in the living room.

How many are groping through life in the dark trying to find their way. They calculate decisions weighing the odds but at best they take only educated guesses Many times they guess wrong in career choices, the spouses they marry, how they invest their money, and what they do with their lives. The consequences of such living will be fully realized in eternity.

Hell is eternal darkness. There is no light. Eternal black. An abyss of never ending night. This is the place reserved for every soul without a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

Yet, even believers can find themselves in the dark. Lurking in the shadows engrossed in sin. Chained in bondage to lives of shame. Many doing the very things they hate and not doing the things they ought.

Many unsaved love the dark for it is in the dark they do their evil deeds. In fact not only do such people love the dark but they hate the light and therefore hate the Light of the World.  [Jn 3:19-21]

Where are you as you read this? Are you hiding in the dark trying to find your way with no clear sense of purpose? Do you need the light of God's word to give direction for your path [Ps 119:105] and eternal hope for your soul [Jn 8:12]

Do you read this as a child of God yet lurking in the shadows of sin, hypocrisy, and rebellion? Do you need to repent to start walking in the light as a child of the light? [I Jn 1:7]

Jesus is Light. Jesus dispels darkness for the lost as well as the saved. Amen.

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