Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Victorious Road

While much is written about living the victorious and overcoming life that road often leads to some hardships. If we truly set our minds to make a difference in this world we can rest assured that we will face opposition.

Religious people will oppose us in the same way they opposed Jesus. People who love control, who appear righteous on the outside but on the inside are like dead men's bones, and those that teach the traditions of men as if they were the doctrines of God will stand in the way in the church often to following Jesus on the victorious road. Such people oppose zealous followers of Jesus. They oppose upsetting the status quo. They oppose a fresh work of God calling the church to repentance and revival. Such people are content with religious routines and rituals.

You can also rest assured the world will oppose any attempts to promote Jesus Christ. Thel world will not only turn a deaf ear to that message but will do anything possible to silence the messenger through intimidation and at times persecution.

After church last Sunday I met with three young adults who are taking Is 6:8 seriously. They made themselves available to God to go anywhere He wanted to send them and God took them up on the offer. God has called them to go to three closed, hard, and dangerous countries to proclaim the name of Jesus. These young adults are in love with Jesus and bold in their faith. Places most Christians do anything to avoid are the very places these three are running to in response to the call of God on their lives. They have counted the cost. They know it is dangerous. They fully understand the risks involved and are more than eager to lay their lives on the line. They inspire me. They challenge me to be more bold for God and keep trusting. I to pray [Is 6:8] and make myself available to wherever God might want to send me. Their road to victory is leading them to some of the most dangerous countries in the world. Only God knows where my road will lead.

I guarantee if you want the victorious life you will be opposed by Satan. Fiery carts will be hurled in your direction in the forms of discouragement, criticism from others, and resistance to the work God has called you to do. We are called to stand firm and resist the wicked schemes of the Devil. [Eph 6:11].

It is so much easier to live in defeat. It is the path of least resistance. I should know. I have spent my fare share of days on that road. I have also been convicted and repented. The life of faith is not an easy life. It is a life filled with trials and setbacks. It is also the life God wills and a life of thrilling adventures if we trust God to move mountains. The testimonies keep coming.

Which road do you want to travel. The road to victory that will lead through spiritual attacks and ambushes? Would you rather walk the road of defeat and give in to the resistance of religious people, a pagan world, and Satan?

It is time to renew our resolve to follow God down the path of victory. It is not an easy road to walk but is the road we are called to walk. We are not to give up, give in, or give out in defeat. We must keep proclaiming the name of Jesus, advancing the kingdom of God, and shining the light of Christ in the darkest corners of the world. When we get knocked down we must get back up again. When we face resistance and opposition we need not give up. Jesus and many of His followers faced similar resistance and opposition. We must stay the course on the road to victory.

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