Friday, May 30, 2014

Salute To The Working Men And Women

Some people make a living with their minds behind a computer screen, in an air conditioned office, managing people, and designing cutting edge technology. While those people have a necessary place in society this blog is not a tribute to them.

This is written in tribute of those men and women who make a living by the sweat of their brow day in and day out. They work in factories, weld and fashion metal in hot warehouses in the summer and brave bitter cold temperatures in the winter. There are farmers who battle the dust as they plow, sow, and reap the harvest. There are ranchers who get their hands dirty working cows to supply America with meat on the table. Both farmers and ranchers have learned to fix anything constantly needing to work on tractors, farm implements, and hundreds of other things that break down.

I salute the women who stand on their feet all day long providing goods and services. They stand behind  a hot stove cooking and cleaning for demanding and ungrateful customers. They hustle all day long waiting tables for small tips often. They treat patients scurrying from one room to the next on the night shift. After working all night long they come home to a messy house, needy children, and a waiting husband.

Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, and decade after decade these hard working men and women keep showing up for work. They keep toeing the mark. They continue to stay the course through grueling summer days and brutal winter temperatures. They drag themselves out of bed even whey their bodies ache and steam out for more sleep. Even though the sleep does not seem to produce the long needed recovery to the body work beckons and duty calls.

Their work is hard. The days are long. The wages are often small. These tough men and women do what they have to do to survive. They hustle. They grind. They pinch pennies. They do what they have to do to make ends meet.

Often their labors are taken for granted. They seldom get a thank you. Though the mechanic works countless hours coming home grease stained late again to get the car repaired, the client only gripes because they had to be inconvenienced so long.

To all the men and women who work hard to make a living I salute you. Remember you labor for the Lord and not just for men. [Col 3:23] He sees your work. He knows your sacrifice and your craft. He is the source of your strength and He is your provider. Turn your heart toward Him in reverence and keep trusting Him to help you endure. It may not mean a great deal but I salute you hard working men and women.

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