Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I am Finally Back

Back in April I wrote a blog and posted it. I sat my computer down to go and do something and came back thirty minutes later. I immediately noticed the computer was not acting normally. Soon there was a blank screen with a folder on it. A call to a friend revealed the sad truth. I lost my hard drive and everything on that computer. That was nearly a month ago.

I began praying for God's provision of a new computer. I prayed and waited. I prayed some more and waited some more. Studying became difficult. I had to go back and do it the old fashioned way with books. I missed my Bible study software. My greatest sorrow was not being able to write these blogs. All I could do was ask God for His provision and continue to wait in faith.

The whole matter was out of my hands. This past week I made a trip to Seminole where I did a book tour to promote my new book Weeping For A Night. At my last event I explained to a lady who regularly reads the blogs why I had not posted any new ones. Another lady was standing next to her and the next thing I knew God moved. The second lady overheard the conversation, wrote a check, and gave it to Brenda with the following comments. "This is for Matt to buy a new computer. Tell him to keep writing those blogs. They are important to my family. We need them. They are important to a lot of people." Just like that God not only heard but also answered our prayers.

Today I drove to Fort Worth and spent the majority of the day visiting three different computer stores researching, comparative shopping, and asking questions. Finally I made the decision and bought a new computer. They helped me get it set up and I just got home a few minutes ago. The first thing I did after typing in the security code for our internet wifi was to go to this site. Then I logged in and started typing.

I am humbled that once again God used someone to bless me and stand with me in ministry. Her sacrificial gift enables me to keep writing and to keep ministering to people all over the world with the written word. I am humbled that God loves me enough to entrust me with this ministry. It is a ministry I take seriously.

There are three points to this blog. First after a delay I am back writing and doing what God has called me to do. Second, be encouraged that God answers prayers even when it seems like the answers are delayed in coming. Never give up trusting God. [Luke 18:1] [James 5:16] [Gal 6:9] I know there are many of you reading this and you are still waiting on God. You are waiting for direction, for a new job, for a burden to be lifted, a mountain to be moved, and for the rain to come. God does hear and his timing is perfect. Don't give up on God. He will come through. It may not be when you want it or the answer may not come in the way you expected. He will do it in a way that most glorifying to His name.

What are the chances that I would be explaining to that lady about why I had not posted any new blogs while another lady just happened to be listening. The second lady is a busy business owner who took off work to come to the Bible study and book signing. God ordained that she be standing at that table at that exact moment. God moved in her heart prompting her to give to meet a need in my life. God worked out the answer to that prayer that had been weeks in the making. I am humbled and encouraged to keep praying and to keep trusting a powerful and faithful God.

There is a third thing I want to communicate. God has called and entrusted me to this writing ministry just like He has called me to preach. I MUST WRITE! I am compelled to do so. So expect more blogs to come in the days ahead. I set a goal earlier in the year of how many blogs I wanted to write. I did not know I would lose nearly a month in that process. I have lost precious time but I trust God to make that up with inspiration. By God's provision I am back.

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