Thursday, December 19, 2013


There are so many who love ever to talk the talk, 
Fewer are those who are willing to walk the walk, 
To speak for Christ an uncompromising true word, 
That offends people and the world thinks is absurd, 
Few there be who speak bravely with prophetic voice, 
Entitled people feel everyone should have their choice,
Sin is rampant killing this once great valiant nation,
The rules are reinvented and changed without cessation,
Tolerance is the catch word used by the masses for today,
Until "thus says the Lord" cuts too deep and gets in the way,
Followers of Christ now are given their censored limitations,
Silenced through threats and a mob mentality intimidation,
Yet the remnant still stand bold, faithful, their voice still true,
Our kind have suffered on persecuted paths black and blue,
They were beaten, burned, battered and severely bruised,
Refusing to cower but desiring they might more to be used,
The majority rule opposed, worked, tried to silence the song,
The pagans cried is not true and therefore must be wrong,
Warriors for Christ stood firmly on the Word a sure foundation,
Pointing lost sinners to Christ through a gospel explanation,
Followers of Jesus loved, served and prayed for hateful enemies,
Submitting to suffering as Christ like the garden of Gethesemane,
No matter how the world cries and tries to reinvent the absolutes,
The follower of Christ must remain steadfast and ever resolute,
Persecution will come for those courageous enough to stand,
May we intercede that God might withhold His judging hand,
Until the nation repents ushering in the day of glorious revival,
In this war only the spiritually fit will remain and endure in survival,
The consequences are too high, eternity for souls is still at stake,
May Christ followers endure no matter the persecution they take.

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