Sunday, December 8, 2013

Having Church

We have been iced in since Thursday evening. A severe winter storm blew in Thursday evening blanketing all of North Texas in ice. For the past three days we have not left the house other than the boys to get out and do some sledding. Like so many other churches in this area we canceled our services today for Faith Community Church. That did not mean that the Edwards family did not have church.

We gathered in the living room where I welcomed all to Edwards Memorial Community Church. Tanner opened us in prayer. Taylor read some scripture and then I opened to Galatians 6 where we expounded the first nine verses over the course of forty-five minutes. Verse by verse I explained the key concepts, asked questions, and we all joined in the discussion.

We ended our time together in prayer. We definitely had church this morning, maybe more so than we have experienced in many corporate worship gatherings in designated sanctuaries.

Sometimes God's people gather to do church. The songs are sung. The specials are heard. The prayers are offered and the money is given. The sermons are delivered but do people really meet with God. Churches spend thousands of dollars in efforts to create the mood for worship but you cannot purchase the presence of God.

In the book of Acts people had church without a building, budget, or even a completed Bible. They still met with God and souls were saved and transformed. This same scene is repeated multiple times over today by our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. They have church. Their surroundings are simple and crowds may be small but God is there and He is enough. They do not just do church through rituals and religious routines. These people have church. They are the church.

This morning for my family was simple but profound. There was no order of worship. There was no time schedule to keep. For once all my family seemed truly engaged in worship and learning Bible truth. Nobody seemed bored or checked out. Every person prayed. The prayers were sincere and not rote or forced.

O that this simplicity could be duplicated in homes and congregations around the world. Church has become big business and small ministry. Is God pleased? Does He even show up for some services? Does He always stick around for the conclusion of others? Questions few are asking and fewer really want an honest answer. We must want more than just to do church. To hold services week after week. To go through the motions. We need to have church where God is exalted, where the body of Christ truly functions as an extension of Christ, and where the Holy Spirit is welcome and free to minister.

So let me ask you as you read this today. Did you do church? Did you attend church today? How many had church and truly experienced authentic worship, were brought face to face with God's truth, and that lead to an encounter with God. We had church at 521 Runaway Bay Drive.

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