Friday, August 19, 2011

We Will Follow

Eddie opened the worship service with the Chris Tomlin song, “I Will Follow”. That is the primary song God used to get me where I am today along with multiple scriptures. I kept saying to the Lord, “We did follow you. We are following you as a family, as a new church, and we will continue to follow you.”

God used Eddie in a powerful way. It is so easy to take things for granted like having music at church. Eddie’s infectious attitude has already been a great encouragement to me. I am looking forward to our working together for a long time.

Our youth ministry continues to grow. We had a little over a dozen the first week and twenty this past Wednesday night. We only had one girl. Imagine that scene with nineteen boys and one freshman girl.

Though the attendance did not double for the third consecutive week we still increased. We had more new families. We almost topped the one hundred mark for the first time and fully expect to do so this week. It is hard to imagine what the Lord has done in only three weeks.

Brenda and the boys have transitioned into life back in Paradise. The boys are now enrolled in school. Part of us are living with a friend and supporter of Faith Community Church. Taylor and I are now living in the RV though it has been moved to the same location as the rest of our family. This part of life is challenging.

While we have seen God bless the church in extraordinary ways we have not seen our mountains move as far as housing. I have not had one phone call from an interested buyer on our house in Seminole in four weeks. Not one. Brenda has a lead on a job but she has still not interviewed for the job yet. What little money we have set back will be quickly consumed if the house does not sell. We are hoping to use that money on the down payment for another house. God already knows. His provision is not limited however He chooses to lead us.

I know Brenda and I have been praying. I know FBC Seminole has been praying. I know Faith Community Church has been praying. Many of you that read this blog are praying as well. We will just have to trust God to see how all of this works out. God holds the keys and for whatever reason He has chosen to delay in giving us the answer we have all sought.

Regardless of how difficult this part of the transition has been, hear this loud and clear. We will still follow the Lord. We will not turn back. I hate this especially for Brenda. Our course is set and our gaze is resolute. We will not quit. This church must be built. We are witnessing a miracle in the making. God knows our needs and in His time we know He will intervene. Until then we must keep praying and believing to see these mountains moved.

We knew following the Lord to do this would not be easy. We knew there would be numerous challenges. We counted the cost before ever moving. My office space consists of a table at the local café, time at the public library and seated at a small dining table in the RV. All of these challenges are but stepping-stones to a greater miracle. God is building a new testimony here. Will the Edwards still follow when every details does not fall into place as quickly as we would like. We love Jesus more than our comfort and the easy path. We will continue to follow.

The Edwards continue to follow the call of God. Faith Community Church continues to follow God though things have progressed much faster than we anticipated. FBC Seminole continues to follow God as they transition into finding a new pastor. Each day is filled with challenges and adventure. God is sovereign over both. Will all of us continue to follow God regardless of where His call leads? I wish the path for our lives was easier but regardless following Him is the choice for me and my house. What about you? Will you follow Him when He calls?

1 comment:

  1. I have faith that your house will sell. We too are sitting and waiting for our old house in Abernathy to sell while we rent here in Seminole. one income and two house payments is not easy but God has seen us through and I know He will continue to see you through as well.
