Thursday, August 11, 2011

Never Alone

I wonder how many people on this crowded planet feel alone even though surrounded by multitudes of people. How many eat alone, live alone, go to the movies alone, and sit in church alone. How many never get a phone call, seldom if ever have a visitor, and never feel the warmth of an embrace by a loved one or a friend.

Many people trudge through life without the blessing of sharing life experiences with others. They do not share a good book, recommend a good movie, nor do they get to enjoy a good restaurant with loved ones. Life is lonely. Many are friendless and forsaken. Such people plod through each day dutifully but not necessarily joyfully.

Is there any good news for lonely people? Even in this day of social networking through face book, twitter, text messaging, and email people often feel very disconnected from other people. I ask the question again if there is any good news for people who feel alone.

There is a God, a divine being who promises to never leave or forsake His people. For the wayward soul I exhort you to turn to God and find a Father who loves and comforts. For the believer who feels alone I challenge you to embrace and enjoy the love of your Redeemer. He promises He will be with you always to end of the age. [Matt 28:20] There will never be a day when He will not be there with you and with me. The truth is because of that fact we are never alone.

Let that sink in. We are never alone. When we are depressed God is present offering comfort and hope. When we are overwhelmed and feel we have no one to turn to God is there to lift our burdens. [Ps 55:22] When we are financially destitute and feel we have no one to come to our aid, God offers His helping hand. [Ps 50:15] We are never alone. If we choose sin to compensate with loneliness He is there to convict us. He is there to chastise us and draw us back to repentance. He is there.

We are not alone. The solider who has surrendered to Christ is not alone on the battlefield. The follower of Jesus who owns a business is not alone when making financial and leadership decisions. The pastor who has poured his soul out in prayer and preaching is not alone. The elderly saint who long ago bid farewell to a spouse is not alone while fighting through their private grief.

This truth comforts me. God is with us watching, loving, empowering, and offering His help to endure life and loneliness. We may feel alone. We may convince ourselves nobody cares. We may believe nobody will come to our rescue in the day of trouble. God is there. God cares. God intervenes to save the day. God will not abandon His children.

Press on people. Press on for you are not alone. Comfort your souls for God is watching and waiting. We as His people are never alone. Turn to Him. Enjoy Him. Embrace Him. Call out to Him.

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