Friday, March 25, 2011

Sitting on My Perch

I stumbled onto a small nook in the church where I have set up a make shift office mostly to pray and write. From my vantage point I can look over part of Seminole. I can see the steady shuffle of traffic passing back and forth. I can see residential areas where people work in the yard and kids play outdoors. I can see leaves as the gusty breezes blow through them. I have been able to see my boys getting into a little mischief from my perch. A police offer just patrolled by. A school bus just passed indicating the end of another school day. I can see church members coming going out of the church offices.

Nobody can see me but I can see a great deal from here. God sees more. He not only sees my perch but He sees the whole town of Seminole. In one glance He can take in the whole state of Texas as well as the United States. His gaze does not escape every nation around the world. From the perch of Heaven God sees all and knows all.

I am comforted knowing God sees and knows what troubles us today. I am grateful I do not have to fumble my way through this life but He offers guidance on each of our journeys. From His perch He can see from beginning to end. We would all be best suited to ask God to let us see things from His perspective. That would change our attitudes and outlooks on life.

From my vantage point I can see vehicles in the church parking lot. I can see Caleb’s bike in the back of Sean’s truck. I can see the lights are still on that illuminate the parking lot even though it is 3:30 p.m. I can see the clouds thickening toward the north just a bit but whispering little hope for rain. I just saw an old Model T refurbished just pass by. I can see a great deal but I cannot see everything. Much is hidden from my view.

What is God seeing today? Is He seeing the broken hearted cries of a desperate mother and father for their child. Is He seeing the labor of one trying to regain strength in the hospital and rehab centers? Is he seeing the worship of one driving in a car? Is God witnessing the physical abuse of a tyrannical father and husband who bullies and intimidates his family? Is God viewing one of His children drifting closer and closer to sin? Is God gazing on a dreamer working at His God given dream? Is God watching the selfless service of one giving care for someone not able to care for themselves anymore? Is God held captive by the effort of the athlete working and competing for the glory of His name? Is God watching proudly as one of His children put action to their faith in a step of obedience.? Does God see the persecuted believer enduring torture for His name. Can God eyeball the downtrodden saint who is barely clinging to hope? Does God notice the empty bank account for the family who tithed instead of going to the grocery store? Is God aware of the lonely souls who cope through dark nights of weeping because of the loss of their spouses? The answer is resoundingly yes. He does see. He does know. He is paying attention.

The point is God does watch. He sees all. Nothing escapes His notice. Not when we celebrate Him in private prayer or in public worship. He takes notice when we obey and when we rebel in disobedience. He does not miss when we draw nearer to Him or when we try to hide and cover ourselves with fig leaves in shame and guilt. He is aware.

I don’t know if this comforts your heart and causes terror in you. I guess that would depend on how you are living. Knowing He sees both comforts me and brings me to awareness He knows all. He knows my silent thoughts and attitude. He is aware of my rebellion even if others do not notice. From His perch He sees all. I am glad His perch is loftier than mine.

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