Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Keeping the Plates Spinning

I cannot remember a time in my life when I have been busier and had more plates spinning. I have the work at FBC Seminole that keeps me busy juggling preaching, shepherding the flock, and leading the forward. I have God’s call on my life to write that includes fresh blogs and work on new books. We are in the process of having a book published now and that means decisions such as the cover, marketing plans, and final editing of the manuscript. I have several writing projects all beckoning my time and attention. More plates to spin. On top of that is God’s call to raise the money for the hospital in Honduras. This mountain seems to grow with each passing week. Another huge plate to spin. I am adding more travel to my plate to cast vision for this project at “Hope for Honduras” evenings. Add to that the duties of being a husband and father. More plates to spin.

I am constantly running to keep each of the plates spinning so they do not fall and crash on the floor. The pressure can be intense going from one thing to the next. At times I have asked the Lord why He has entrusted so much to me. Each of these plates; husband, father, pastor, author, and missionary is a full time job in and of themselves. I have the peace of God I am called to each endeavor and can trust Him with the results.

I am learning more and more to abide in Christ and let Him keep the plates spinning. There have been far too many times in my life when I tried to keep the plates spinning in my own strength. I am sad to say this led to burn out. Nobody knew maybe other than Brenda. There were times when I could not keep up the pace. There have been times when I felt overwhelmed and seized with anxiety. There have been numerous times when sleep did not come and I labored to keep the plates spinning running on fumes. I have ministered in exhaustion, burned out, and even resentful of the never ending demands on my life.

I am learning better these days. Notice I said I am learning. I have not fully learned it yet. From time to time I feel myself falling back into my old patterns. I seldom sleep through an entire night. I am often up anywhere from two to three hours each night praying, reading, or writing. There are times when the anxiety returns reminding me I am not abiding but striving. I constantly have to battle my tendency to take on more at a time when God is calling me to do less but be more His child.

When I truly abide in Christ He keeps the delicate balancing act of my life spinning. He sustains. He gives wisdom. He strengthens. He gives rest. He offers counsel. He moves mountains. He provides for ministry. He inspires messages, blogs, and books. He grants peace in the middle of it all. He is refuge.

So on this early Thursday morning when I see all the plates of my life spinning like fatherhood, husbandry, pastor, author, missionary, and fundraiser, the most important plate is child of God. As I relate to God as His child and commune with Him, He keeps all the plates spinning.

I can tell when my life gets out of balance as well as those closest to me. I am sullen, withdrawn, emotionally distant, anxious, and irritable. That is when I withdraw from the crowds and retreat into the arms of God for a little talk. In those moments He reminds me He never called me do it alone. He reassures me that the more I lean on Him and abide in Him the more effective my service will be.

I am grateful for this gentle reminder this morning. He keeps the plates spinning as I abide in Him. That takes all the pressure off. I rest in Him to work in me and through me to accomplish His purposes. I can sleep in peace knowing He keeps the plates spinning.

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