Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Permit The Children Come Unto Me

We start VBS tonight. This will be our first one since moving to Seminole. We expect several children. Brenda has taken an active role in the planning along with two other ladies. Normally I just hang out during VBS but we were a little short handed in the three and four year old class. The Lord convicted me to get involved. I will be spending the week loving on and helping with those preschoolers.

Jesus had time for children. When the disciples tried to push them away Jesus had a far different attitude that ought to speak to us. Read it for yourself. “And they were bringing children to Him so that He might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, ‘Permit the children to come to Me do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” [Mark 10:13-14]

The word “permit” means to allow, and not to hinder. Regardless of my position in the church I do not get a free pass during VBS. If I can help young children come to know the Lord what a blessing that will be. I get to make some new friends.

So many adults are too busy with our schedules and with our jobs. Taking some time out for a week like VBS is not the high priority. Yet by our attitudes we can hinder people from getting to Jesus if we are not willing to work and to serve our children. Working with children is work. They can be demanding, unruly, whiny, selfish, and inconsiderate. They on the other hand can be loving, honest, eager to learn, and eager to please. Thank God for children.

I walked into the nursery area today and thanked all those people who volunteer to love on children. Those people reflect the heart of Jesus. I think of the three ladies who have devoted countless hours to organizing and preparing for VBS. They have the heart of Jesus. I think of our many adults who volunteer in AWANA, teach Sunday School, and who serve in our children’s church ministry. Most of those people work all day throughout the week and then give their time to mold those tender and precious lives. They all have the heart of Jesus.

This morning a precious little girl found me after church. She drew me a picture of her, her brother, and me. She went through a great deal of effort to craft that picture for me. It was a special blessing. I love children. They are full of life, energy, and willing to make new friends, even if they are older like me.

I admit working with preschoolers is way out of my comfort zone. I am a little nervous not knowing what to expect. I am also excited that for these next few nights I get to love, listen, play, teach, and befriend a few dozen three and four year old children. I say with Jesus, “Permit the little children to come unto me.” We are fifteen minutes from beginning. I had better hurry to my place.

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