Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Out of the Boat Again

God has called me to take another step out of the boat again into unknown and unfamiliar territory. The Lord has called me to a new ministry. I do not mean a new a church. God has firmly planted us in Seminole at FBC and we are extremely contented. He continues to bless our ministry here and the future never looked brighter.

God has called me to resurrect NO Compromise Ministries in many ways. What I want to focus on today is a call to help a family in need. There is a family in Seminole with a seventeen - year old handicapped son. He has Muscular Dystrophy. The young man’s full time nurse called our church looking for help. He is bed ridden and cannot leave his room mainly because his bed will not fit through the hallway. He does not even have handicapped accessible bathroom facilities. When the call came the Lord resonated it in my heart not so much for FBC. His call on me involved working through NO Compromise Ministries. This is a 501-C3 non-profit ministry I founded in 1998. Through this ministry I have travelled extensively preaching and published three books as well.

Since becoming a pastor it has remained dormant for the most part with the exceptions of these blogs. Anyway, God called me to rally the troops. Estimates are that this project with cost in the neighborhood of $30,000. I do not have that kind of money and neither does the ministry. Once again God called me to ignore all of that and commit to His work. So in blind faith I said yes to His latest call on my life. I have stepped out the boat and looking to Jesus to keep me afloat. I wasn’t looking to get out of the boat again but when God’s pierced my heart I said to myself, “Here we go again. I need to write a book about living outside the boat because I feel that is where God always leads me.” [Matt 14:24-29]

We are seeking to get other churches involved in this project. This whole thing is way bigger than me but it is not bigger than God. If the secular world can do extreme home makeovers, raise resources and garner volunteer labor I believe our God can do the same through His people. We are seeking to complete this project by late summer or early fall. We have already cleaned up the yard in preparation for the plumbing and foundation work. What we need to start is $10,000 for the plumbing and foundation work to begin. I need help with those of you who might have the ability to give a little bit toward this project. Some may be able and willing to give $25 and others more or less. Every dollar will be used to help this family in need. I assure you the money will be used for this project. I am not receiving any compensation for this.

This is being done in the spirit of [Matt 5:16]. “Let your light so shine before men that when they see your good works they will glorify your Father who is Heaven.” As Christians from all over come together with volunteer labor, a united purpose, and equal sacrifice lives will be touched. God’s glory will be furthered and the gospel will be shared. There are no strings attached. We are going to build a new bedroom 18’ x 22’ and a handicapped accessible bathroom and bless this family with this in the name of Jesus. I cannot do this alone though. God has called me to rally the troops and to raise the money for this project. This ignites my gift of faith. Though I am uncomfortable standing outside the boat I am also in the will of God and therefore know He will come through. [I Jn 5:14-15] He always provides where He guides. [Phil 4:19]

I ask you to help me in the following ways. Please pray with me about God’s provision. This is a large task and the only way this will ever happen is if God moves people to give financially in these difficult economic times and do to donate their time and talents to build these two rooms for a family who are not in a position to do it for themselves. Any gifts will be tax deductible and can be sent to NO Compromise Ministries at P.O. Box 722 Seminole, TX 79360.

This is all about the glory of God. This is about seeing Christianity lived out in a community. I am sure this will not be our only project. He brought this opportunity to me and I will answer His call by getting outside my comfort zone inside the boat. Are there some of you reading this who sense God calling you to get outside the boat with me. It is a bit unnerving in the beginning but when God comes through it is more than worth it. The waves and obstacles that stand between me, and the completion of this task are huge. God is bigger. If it promotes His glory I will continue to live outside the boat. I trust God will lead some of you to join me.

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