Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day Two "Hunger for Holiness"

“But like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am Holy.’” [I Peter 1:15-16]

There is little talk in the church about holiness today. Many people do not even know what the Lord means. The word holy literally means, “To be set apart, pure, consecrated.” Now when you look up and down the pews, or more importantly, in your own heart is holiness evident.

We have compromised and let the world influence and impact us. Many times our compromise happens so slowly we are not even aware of it. Before long we think like the world, talk like the world, react like the world, get entertained like the world, and as a result we are conformed to the world.

God, who is holy or set apart, calls His children to be set apart not just on Sundays but every day. We are commanded by the Lord Himself to be holy in, get this, ALL OF OUR BEHAVIOR. So let me ask the obvious question. How are we doing?

Let’s examine our thought lives. What sort of things has your mind been dwelling on lately? Have you been living out [Phil. 4:8] or [Col. 3:1-2]? Is your mind seeking things that are above, or have you allowed it to drift into the sewer of sin? Are your thoughts dominated with thoughts of the excellencies of Christ, or do you squander your time fantasizing about the fleeting pleasures of sin? Christ wants to rule our minds and not allow them to be conformed to this world. [Rom 12:2].

How are you doing in the area of your speech? Do you habitually use profanity, especially during fits of anger? Do you repeat or laugh at crude jokes? Do you repeat gossip or spend time in slander? None of these things honors the Lord. [James 3:6] “And the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell.” God wants to rule over our speech and it be seasoned with grace and edification. [Eph. 4:29]

What kind of things do you watch for entertainment? Do you habitually watch programs where foul language is repeated and God’s name is taken in vain? Do you allow movies in your home where the sexual conduct is high? Do you welcome programs that deal with the occult and magnify Satan? [I Thess. 5:22] “Abstain from every form of evil.” I think that scripture is pretty clear. There is no wiggle room here. We are not to keep company with evil but go the other way.

This is just a start. God desires and expects us to make holiness a high priority. In order to do that in your life what do you need to change, eliminate, and examine in your life?

Steps to Revival

  1. As you meditate on [I Peter 1:15-16] what do you sense the Lord is saying to you about the way you have living?
  2. Is there anything in your life that God wants removed? If so, identify each of those areas.
  3. What areas need to be adjusted such as television and movie viewing habits? Where does God draw the line concerning what is appropriate and what is not acceptable?
  4. Have you been holy in all your activities concerning texting and Facebook?
  5. Is there any area in your thought life that is not holy? If so what is it? Take it before the Lord and ask for His holiness in that area of your life as well.
  6. Take time and commit I Peter 1:15-16 to memory.

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