Thursday, October 1, 2009

Monopoly Money

That might sound like a strange title but before the end of this article it will make sense. I have seldom felt as deep a burden as I do in my heart in these days. I have been inundated with reports, meetings, and heart wrenching stories of the power of sin and the grip of Satan on the lives of people and the devastating implications for families. I am referring to people back in Paradise as well as in Seminole.

Satan is a liar and a masterful deceiver. He makes sin look so appealing, so tantalizing, and luring but never tells us the powerful destructive force sin will have not only on our lives but also on those around us. [Jn 10:10] “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they might have life and have it abundantly.”

He is a smart deceiver. He works by planting thoughts in our minds and if we allow those thoughts to go unchecked by the word of God, before long, what were only thoughts will turn into rebellious and wayward actions. “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” [II Cor 10:5] Our thoughts must be surrendered to Christ. Every thought must be taken captive under the submission and dominion of Christ and His word.

When Satan starts planting schemes in our heads to rebel and to chase the fancies of sin, and we begin to entertain those thoughts and to dwell on them we lose rational thinking. We become vulnerable to deception and our world becomes topsy turvy where what used to seem right feels wrong and what was wrong seems right. Our feelings at this point can begin to betray us. What we want and what looks so appealing may be nothing more than a trap from the enemy to ensnare us and to steal our testimony and destroy our witness.

Satan is the father of lies and promises that if we will give in we will have a huge pay off in the end. This is not new. This is exactly what he used against Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They thought gratifying their desires would bring reward but instead it only brought death and shame with the curse of sin.

THERE IS NO HUGE PAYOFF! HE IS A LIAR! When it comes time to get paid and rewarded for our sin what we find out is the Devil pays in monopoly money. It is worthless. He never tells us about the shame we feel from distancing ourselves from God. We are never told about the empty hollow feeling we feel because sin NEVER satisfies and more sin only leaves us more DISSATISFIED! Soon we are looking for more and more ways to find that fulfillment we are seeking which keeps eluding our grasp because only Jesus can give us that abundant and full life. SIN NEVER HAS AND NEVER WILL. When we come to be paid with the promised gratification the enemy assured us for our sin we only stare in disbelief at a wad of crumpled monopoly money left behind by the last person he duped. It has no value and we are left empty handed. We will never find what we are looking for in the sewage of sin. We were promised bliss and pleasure evermore in the presence of God [Ps 16:11] only to be tricked into humiliation and disgrace along with endless guilt and condemnation the enemy heaps on us.

I weary of watching relationships be broken because of sin, watching faithful Christ followers begin to stray off the straight and narrow path, marriages crumble, preachers erring into immorality or liberal preaching, and hypocrisy feeling at home in the pews.

Have we come to the point where we hate the Devil and we hate sin? Have we come to the point where we truly abhor what sin does in our hearts and how it moves us further away from God who alone is our oasis to satisfy our hearts in this dry and weary land where there is no water? [Ps 63:1-2]

Monopoly money may suffice in the board game but in the real world we need substance to survive not the shadows and smoke of make believe and fantasy world of pretending. It takes real money to buy groceries, pay the mortgage, and clothe our families. In the real world it takes the presence of Jesus to empower us and renew us to withstand the onslaught of temptations and relentless assaults on our minds.

I am both angry in my spirit and grieved deeply when I look around and see what the enemy has done and is doing to people I love and care about. My only hope is that Jesus is greater than the enemy who brings destruction and steals the joy of people’s salvation. Jesus can restore that and He has given everything we need to live a Godly life. [II Pet 1:3] “Seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.”

When we get through this world Jesus will not pay in monopoly money. Our reward in Heaven will be real and everlasting. There will be endless joy, infinite delight, and everlasting pleasure at the revelation of Christ and all of His glory. It is time to quit playing games and put away our sin and give the devil back his monopoly money. Abundant life awaits and outweighs anything our adversary can offer.

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