Thursday, July 9, 2015

Not Content But Content

You say in all my circumstances I should be content,
How can this be when my heart is broken and rent,
Over wayward souls who don't know You and are lost,
When Christians will not follow unwilling to pay the cost?
When the Bride of Christ has sullied her wedding dress,
In the filth of hypocrisy and sin instead of righteousness?
How can my heart be content in the midst of such pain,
Among those who suffer beyond what words can explain?
How can I be content Lord in this rebellious defiant nation,
Who has forgotten we only exist because of Your creation?
I am not cotent my Lord when loved friends s drift further away,
Turning their backs and hearts on You and giving the Devil his day?
How can I remain content when sin still creeps into my heart,
When I am prone to wander and so quickly from You depart?
Jesus You alone are the only source that can make me content,
May my pursuit of You and living a holy honoring life never relent?
Jesus with You I am learning daily how to become contented,
While living with a broken burdened heart You have extended.

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