Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Library

I spent some time today in one of my favorite places. I took Turner to the library to get more books for his summer reading program and Tucker tagged along to read for his summer reading assignment for school this fall. I perused the shelves while the boys did their thing and found a biography that interested me. We all nestled down for the better part of an hour and did one of my all time favorite activities in the world; read.

It amazes me how many people do not like to read. This possibly could indicate why so many people struggle to read the Bible. Part of understanding the Bible and learning more of God includes reading, reflecting, and comprehension. If people hate to read it stands to reason they will not want to read the scripture. This is a tragedy in churches all over the land.

I know we all had assignments in school that did not foster a love for reading. We were forced to read what some people called great literature. I remember being bored out of my mind and daydreaming through many of those reading assignments. I also remember being introduced to some great novels that captured my imagination. There is bad literature out there to be sure. There is also great literature as well. Nothing compares to sacred literature found in the Bible. It is the only book ever written that was God breathed.

I love most all genres of literature except science fiction. Biographies and autobiographies are definitely my favorites. I also enjoy fiction. Once I start a novel I get addicted and forego almost everything in lieu of finishing the book. By far my favorite book is the Bible. No matter how many times I read it through I always learn more and see things I did not see before in the Bible.

One of the sad realities I face is knowing I will not be able to read all the book or the Bible as I would like to. That does not mean I cannot make the most of the time I do have.

I have stated this before but I owe my great love for reading to my maternal grandmother who always had a book with her. She cooked with a book in her hand or on the counter. She did not watch television but read veraciously. What a gift she gave me in instilling a love for books.

It was my grandmother who took me to the Kurth Memorial Library in Lufkin, TX to get my first library card. Walking in that mammoth building filled with books excited me. I still remember the thrill of tat day and the books I checked out. Over four decades later I got that same thrill when I walked Tucker and Turner into the Bridgeport library today. Now it is time to nestle here in my home office for some much longed for reading on this rainy afternoon.

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