Thursday, June 11, 2015

Showing Up

There is something to be said for people who keep showing up and faithfully laboring even when they do not feel like it.They understand commitment. They value consistency and persistency.

 These are the people who go into the prayer closet day after day, month after month, and year after year though some of those answers have not come yet. These are the people who keep showing up to work for decades even when they are tired, stressed, and do not feel well. These are the people who are faithful to their local church even when pastors come and go, when dissension in the church body arises, when other members leave for greener pastures, when the attendance lags, and when the morale is low. These are people who keep showing up at home even when their service is not appreciated. These are the people who keep showing up to  do the dirty chores nobody else wants to do or even notices.

There are people who show up as dads and moms even when their kids rebel and act like tyrants demanding their own way. These are the parents who keep showing up with loving but firm discipline. These are the parents who faithfully pray for their children through all phases of growing up.

I think of the farmers who keep showing up on their tractors to plow and plant no matter how many years of droughts, hale storms, floods, and poor market prices they have endured in years past.

I think of teaches who show up every fall to new classes of students and give their best efforts for the next mine months for minimal pay, little appreciation, many complaints by parents, and administrators. Thank you for still showing up because you love students.

I think about those faithful servants of Christ who keep showing up even after being knocked off their feet by adversity time and time again. They do not stay down. They do not crawl into the fetal position and give up. They arise to their knees and pray for the strength and endurance to keep serving. Thank you for showing up and inspiring all of us to keep pressing on.

I think about faithful volunteers in churches who do what they say will do. They show up on their rotation to serve in the nursery. They show up to teach classes year after year. They work in VBS. They take care of the church lawn without fanfare decade after decade. These people are the backbone of the church. Thank you for your diligent service.

I think of church musicians who show up Sunday after Sunday even though they do not get paid. They practice and serve because they love the Lord and love their local congregation. Thank you for playing beautiful music to enhance worship. Thank you for practicing so many hours so your music will be played with excellence. God uses you.

I think about those faithful employees who show up for unappreciative bosses and give their best efforts on the job year after year. Thank you for your dedication to doing your job to the glory of God.

I think about those athletes who show up daily to put in the work to get better and help their team get better. They push the weights, run the laps, do the drills, and perspire profusely because they have bought in to something bigger than their personal comfort. They keep showing up for their coaches, team, and community. Thank you for the example you set for all of us to strive to keep getting better.

We take it for granted people keep showing up. I salute the pastor who keeps showing up to preach and teach no matter the size of the crowds. He prays and studies behind the scenes to feed the flock. He has no control over the size of the crowds. He diligently labors in love to help mature souls entrusted to his care.

 I salute the caregivers who keep showing up even when exhausted physically and emotionally but keep giving care. I applaud those who keep going to the gym to exercise even though your best years have passed you by. I affirm those who use their free time to serve others continually even when it is inconvenient and sacrificial.

Thank you for showing up and doing what you do for God, family, and others. Thank you for showing up even when nobody notices your efforts or rewarded your labors. Our society needs to be reminded of the value of commitment. God, thank you for those people who faithfully show up and do what they are supposed to do.

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