Sunday, June 28, 2015

Has America Passed The Point Of No Return?

Since the pilgrims landed on this soil God has been good to America. When the colonies strayed away fromGod and Bible truth, the Lord sent George Whitfield to America to usher in the First Great Awakening. In subsequent years God also called men like Dwight Moody, Charles Finney, Billy Sunday, and Billy Graham to preach the gospel and turn the masses back to Christ. The Lord has been merciful in His dealings with the United States of America.

The United Sates of America is blessed with abundant resources. Our nation rose to become a super power under God's provision and protection. His blessings have been evident. Millions have been saved under the protection of religious freedom and gospel preaching.

This has not been enough to keep this nation on the right path. America has turned in large part from her Creator and Sustainer. The currency may read, "In God We Trust," but the truth is
 this nation arrogantly has turned away from God and His ways. America bows at the idols of man made religions, empty philosophies, and morality of her own choosing.

Fewer and fewer people outside and inside the church still hold to the infallibility and inerrancy of God's word. Young preachers are taught principles of higher criticism in essence undermining the authority of God's word. Certain passages are called into question such as the virgin birth of Christ, the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea, whether Noah and the ark really happened, and whether there is only one way to salvation through Jesus or multiple ways to salvation. People in the pews have mixed cultural beliefs with Bible doctrine giving more credibility to culture.

On top of this, pagan culture denies absolute truth. Some teach that truth is relative. If there is no absolute truth the Bible is no longer valued as an authoritative book. The ten commandments become the ten suggestions. In addition, many preachers have gotten away from preaching Bible truth. They no longer give sermons but present "talks." Small fragments of Bible passages are taught mixed with common sense and pop psychological ideas of cultural icons like Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Ellen, and Oprah.

When individuals, educational institutions, churches, and culture at large devalue the authority of God's word, the end result is a society where anything goes. There is no longer a standard for right and wrong. Boundaries can be redefined. Truth becomes relative to what people choose to believe for themselves.

Sin is no longer classified as sin. The boundaries have been redrawn. The Bible is seen as an antiquated book by many. Fornication is just having sex. Adultery has become an affair. Homosexuality is an alternative lifestyle. Deceit, greed,  and coveting are now just getting ahead. Malice is just politics, and rebellion is labeled as people thinking for themselves.

Many times America has been lead astray from God. Numerous times God has graciously intervened and brought the nation to repentance and spiritual awakening. We need it again but have we drifted too far away this time. Have we crossed the point from which there is no return.

In 1962 the Supreme Court decided that institutions like public schools could not force people to pray. A devout Atheist pushed this case and won. Today the masses readily accept that you cannot pray in school. In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled that abortions would be legalized. On June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court ruled to legalize Homosexual marriages.

Society wants to soften this by calling them same sex marriages. The Bible calls this sin homosexuality. [Lev 20:13] [Rom 1:24-28] [I Cor 6:9-11] [I Tim 1:8-11]

I have a job to do. As defined in [II Tim 4:1-2]] my job is to preach the word. I am not at liberty to preach my opinions. I am not at liberty to preach only what people want to hear. I have an obligation to preach truth from the Bible even if it is politically incorrect. The popularity of the message has no bearing on the topic. I am still one of the old fashioned preachers who believes in the inerrancy and infallibility of God's word. His word is God breathed or God inspired. [II Tim 3:16-17] I have heard all the arguments against this view. On this hill I choose to stand and die. God's word holds authority for me, for the family, for the local church, the community, and every country. It is my job to teach and preach this unadulterated word.

The United Sates of America has in large part rejected the authority of God's word and no longer complies with God's law. This is a slippery slope. Sin is still sin and there is only one Supreme Court Justice that matters and His eternal justice and judgments do not fail. Nobody escapes unscathed if they reject Jesus and Bible truth.

In our society the vocal minority have won the day. They succeeded in changing the mindsets of the media, academia, judiciaries, and politicians. THEY DID NOT CHANGE GOD OR HIS STANDARDS! THEY NEVER WILL!

Take a long look at what God calls sin. Wickedness, greed, evil, envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, gossip, slander, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobey parents, unloving, untrustworthy, unrighteous, fornication, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, theft, coveting, drunkenness, swindling, immorality, kidnapping, lying, perjury, love of self, love of money, lovers of pleasure, ungrateful, unholy, and without self control. You can read these lists for yourself in [Rom 1:24-28] [I Cor 6:9-11] [I Tim 1:8-11] [II Tim 3:1-5] Each and every listed action is counted a sin by God. Each and every person will be called into account for such things. Each and eery one of these sins are just as offensive to God as the others.

So called Christian people fornicate just like pagans. Church members gossip just like the lost people. Deacons are greedy just like deceptive CEO's. Pastors swindle just like corrupt business owners. It is all sin. ALL OF IT. It does not matter what the President says, how Congress votes, or how the Supreme Court rules. Sin is still sin in God's eyes and there will be a day of reckoning and accounting.

Homosexual pastors and homosexual churches fool themselves. Homosexual people may flock to liberal churches and open minded preachers to get married but they fool themselves. God will never recognize and approve of what He has already called sinful. Homosexuals are loved by God and not beyond His grace. They can be forgiven, saved, and delivered by the power and blood of Jesus Christ. It is a total fabrication to think God approves of homosexuality.

God has blessed this nation and warned this nation but have we listened? Have we repented? Have we humbled ourselves before Him and turned our hearts back to Him? I think we all know the answers to those questions.

At what point does America push God too far? At what point does God say enough is enough. At what point will America defy and rebel against God so belligerently that God sends judgment. We call sin a right of free choice, we legalize what God has declared illegal and unlawful, we approve of what God disapproves, and we embrace what God shuns as offensive. AMERICA WILL REAP WHAT WE SOW. WE HAVE REAPED TO THE FLIESH AND WILL ONE DAY REAP CORRUPTION AND DESTRUCTION.

While churches gather preachers to tickle the ears the storm clouds of God's impending judgement are brewing. His wrath will not be held back from this nation forever. My admonition is to warn the nation to repent and return to God with great urgency. I know it is not a popular message. Neither was Noah's message of impending judgment. Nobody listened until the flood waters ascended drowning everyone. God's prophets each met with rejection for peaching an unpopular message of repentance. In some cases nobody listened. God's judgement came and even the righteous remnant were caught in it. Neither do I expect this message to gain great approval and I certainly did not deliver it to become popular or for promotion.

Most of you reading this claim to be followers of Jesus. You may say you have not committed those sins previously listed. You may convince yourself you are not guilty. I say for every Bible believing Bible preaching church who did not have corporate prayer meetings to plead for revival and for this nation to repent, the blood of the nation is on all our hands.

While the vocal minority won the day spreading their message, too many in the church remained tight lipped about the gospel of Jesus Christ. The blood of this nation is on our hands. Church members who openly accepted compromise in their homes are now reaping rebellious children who are turning away from the church. Their blood is on the parent's hands. For every divided congregation quibbling over a few dollars and power to control the church you are guilty of majoring on minor things and turning many away from the faith. Their blood is on your hands.

Has America passed the point of no return? Only God knows the answer to that. The hour is dark and the sinful condition of this nation and the church is critical. May church houses become war houses of intercession for America. May sanctuaries become battle grounds of prayer and petitions. May God have mercy on this nation one more time sending a tidal wave revival of repentance and spiritual awakening. Turn America before we pass the point of no return.

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