Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Hypocrisy Is Killing The Church

Churches are not perfect. Churches are made up of sinners saved by grace. Only some times that grace is cheapened by those who live in blatant hypocrisy. They pretend to honor and serve God on Sunday but use every other day as sinful fun days.

Sexual immorality, adultery, profanity, lustful imaginations, gossip, lying and slander are just a few of the sins named in the church. Some surveys report there is no difference in the lifestyles of many who attend church and pagans outside the faith and the church.

The characters are different but the stories are the same. Someone in the church fails morally. Sometimes it is a pastor or youth pastor. Sometimes it is a deacon. There are other times when sexual sin is found among people in the choir as well as teens in the youth ministry.

The language among those who attend church can be just as foul as the language among those who have no regard for God. The vile talk, crude jokes, and coarse jesting flow from the lips of church people just like those with no relationship with Christ.

There are liars sitting in the pew. They lie to bosses, spouses, parents, and friends. They lie about their own sin, other people, and about their spiritual condition. Hypocrisy is pretending or play acting. People pretend to be followers of Jesus when it suits them but the truth is their behavior testifies to a lifestyle offensive to God.

Hypocrisy is killing the church. It makes the pastor's job that much harder. People outside the church are skeptical. The name of Jesus is shamed and seen as powerless to bring about lasting change. Hypocrisy grieves and quenches the Holy Spirit. Hypocrisy confuses young believers leading them astray off the path of righteousness. Hypocrisy hardens people to the gospel message. Hypocrisy weakens the witness and testimony of the church. Hypocrisy is killing the church but so little is being done about it. It is killing me on the inside.

Church people spend God's money on all sorts of vile entertainment without giving any consideration about how a Holy God feels about the nudity, graphic violence, demonic influence, or the constant stream of profanity. We are exhorted to avoid every appearance of evil. [I Thess 5:22] Church going teenagers and young adults are constantly pushing the envelope about fornication. Girls are just as brazen sexually as guys.  One young man recently told a girl to meet him privately after school for a make out session and told what type of underwear she have on. A young lady took nude photos of herself with her cell phone and sent them to a young man who shared that photo with all who wanted to look in the locker room. After a strong message one Sunday a pastor asked a young man if Jesus was real to him. The young man replied indeed He was. The pastor became disheartened to learn one day later of the young man's hypocritical life.

God's word is not taken seriously. Proof? Try these.

As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires of the former ignorance but, as the One who called you is holy, you also are to be holy in all your conduct; for it is written, "Be holy, because I am holy." [I Pet 1:14-16]

You have heard it said do not commit adultery, but I tell you, everyone who looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with his heart. [Matt 5:27] Lust leads to fantasies. Fantasies lead to plans. Those plans lead to actions.

Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things should not be this way. [James 3:10]

I could go on and on. People gather at the cathedrals of kids basketball gymnasiums and ball diamonds on the Lord's day to bow at the idol of sports. All in an attempt to get their kid noticed for a scholarship to play at the next level. Yet these same people say Jesus is Lord and claim God as their Master. Hypocrisy. Why do they call Jesus Lord when they do not do what He says. Precious kingdom dollars are wasted on temporary games that have no eternal value. Thousands of dollars that could be given to the church or missions are wasted on private coaches, uniforms, hotels, gas, meals, and tournament entry fees. The Sabbath day is no longer remembered or set aside as a holy day. [Ex 20:8]

So called Christian people do not demonstrate love for others. [John 13:34-35] Some piously sit in the pews looking down on others forgetting their own sin and need of a Savior.

Hypocrisy is killing the church. Books are seldom written about it and preaches are strangely silent on this topic. Not heard Joel Osteen say or write anything on this topic. It might effect attendance figures or book sales.

It is time for judgment to begin in the house of God. [I Pet 4:17] Shame on preachers who will not preach against sin and call people to holiness. Shame on Christians who wink at the sin in their own lives as well as in the lives of others. Shame on church members who live double standard lives. Shame on church leadership who seldom call people to give an accounting for the way they live and the testimony they are living.


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