Thursday, February 13, 2014

What Is Your Agenda

What is your agenda? People run for office or seek to get elected to some governing board because they have an agenda. A football player tells the world he is gay because he has an agenda. The media jumps on this story because they have an agenda as well. Network television programming promotes an agenda too. Values of a society can be shaped and remade using media. 

So what is your agenda? What philosophies, political views, and world views are you pushing? Frankly I am tired of the views that are constantly shoved in my face from those who are in the minority. 

I am not going to jump on the bandwagon of an openly gay football player calling him courageous. God calls homosexuality sin. I am not a hate monger but I will not be a coward either. Phil Robertson called out homosexuality and the media bashed him for it. It is the politically correct thing to do. People think they can intimidate and bully the rest of society into submission, silence, and acceptance of their agenda. I do not accept it. Homosexuality is sin. Can homosexuals be saved, forgiven, and delivered? Absolutely. Jesus died on the cross for homosexuals just like He did for heterosexuals. 

I am a sinful man just like everyone else needing the grace of Jesus for forgiveness and salvation. [Eph 2:8-9] That does not mean that I cannot stand for my agenda of Biblical truth regardless of whether it is politically correct or not. 

Homosexuals represent the overwhelming minority of people in the United States but they make a lot of noise pushing their agenda. Most sitcoms push homosexuality making us think it is the norm. It is not the norm in mainstream society but how few ever stand up to say this. It is easier to remain silent and not have to deal with the backlash. Can NFL players really say what they truly think? Can NFL analyst really say what they think personally about homosexuality? Or do they have to hold to the company line so they can keep selling the brand? 

Can people truly stand up for what they believe? You can if it is politically correct. So people say all the right things, make the sound bites for the media, and jump on the bandwagon to go along and get along. The majority sit in silence. They have seen what happens to those who defy the masses and stand for truth. In a nation of tolerance it is amazing how intolerant people are if you say abortion is sin when they say it is a woman's right to choose. When you choose to stand for biblical marriage between a man and woman you get tarred and feathered for resisting homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle. 

I don't care what ABC, NBC, CBS, or ESPN say. Homosexuality is sin. If people insist on an agenda of promoting homosexuality as normal or acceptable then I will push the agenda to teach, preach, and stand for truth. Not just truth according to me. Truth from the scripture that has stood the test of time and weathered many storms. Homosexuality is not an unforgivable sin but it is sin.

Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery but he also told her to go and sin no more. [John 8:1-11] He does not turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to sin. His grace is sufficient to remove the guilt of any sin. He does change His standards to accommodate the modern family or modern values. Jesus is truth and He does hold up His finger to the prevailing political winds to see what plays to the crowd. On more than one occasion He was more than willing to let the crowds walk away because His views were not popular with them. [John 6:59-66]

So a football player goes to the national media and says I am a college graduate, white or black, and a heterosexual what happens? A guy comes out and says I am not ashamed to say I am a devoted follower of Jesus Christ and His teachings what happens? Tim Tebow stood for Jesus and people hated him for it. They mocked him. Hey America, you cannot have it both ways. Freedom of speech cuts both ways. If you push your agenda, even if I do not like it or accept it, then know I am compelled to push the agenda of Jesus even if you do not accept Him or believe in Him.

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