Saturday, April 11, 2009

40 Days - Day 18 (March 25-May 3)

Day Eighteen
“Nothing is Too Difficult”

Ah Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You.
Jeremiah 32:17

Over two weeks ago we entered this challenge with hope in our hearts, believing that God would step in and show up in our lives and in our situations. Some of the things you have been asking for over this period of time are downright difficult. These are not your garden variety prayer requests. You might be tempted to think your circumstances will never change, the depression will never lift, the bills will never get paid, and the disease will never be cured.
If your God, by the simple act of the spoken word, could create the mountains and command them where to sit, carve out the oceans, set trees in the rain forests, gather sand dunes in the desert, just for fun add a waterfall to a river or stream, stretch the neck of the giraffe or add stripes to the zebra, why would you begin to entertain the though that your situation is too difficult for God?
You could also substitute the word “incomprehensible” for the word “difficult.” There is nothing in this universe that is hard for God. His strength is not taxed when He lifts our burdens. He power is not diminished when He miraculously moves on our behalf. His abilities are not exasperated by our needs and trials. He is God - He has never had a hard day, faced a difficult dilemma, or toiled under the weight of some trial.
However, there are things that are too difficult for us. There are tests that buckle our knees like person doing squats with more weight than he can press back up. We simply collapse under the weight. Not God. With the slightest effort He rules the universe and He knows and hears the cries of His children. He knows what you are up against today. He sees your need before you even ask. He waits to be wanted and He is more than able to handle any and everything that comes your way.
What is too difficult for you to fix, endure, or figure out is no big deal to our God. How often we lose sight of this truth! We get tunnel vision, focusing on our troubles so intently that we lose sight of God and forget the perspective that He has. What does God see when He sees what you are up against? Is God anxious, troubled, or perplexed about what to do? If we have been praying in faith and praying according to His will and with the right motives, we should relax and believe that God will step in at the right time in our lives.
We should not interpret God’s silence or seeming inactivity as a sign that He does not care or can’t handle the situation. Let us unload our cares on Him today - all of them. What is strangling our faith? What looks too difficult for God? Cry out again for His help and then wait on Him to get involved. He sees and knows when the best time will be to come to our rescue. Do not become distraught over delays. If He can create the universe, hang the stars in space, arrange the planets where He wants them, see every galaxy of every solar system as well the hairs on the head of every single person alive, He can handle our situations. We must get this into our minds and the deep recesses of our hearts. We cannot pray effectively until we pray with the conviction that nothing is too difficult for God. I know there have been times in my prayer life that I have not believed my own prayers much less believed that God would answer.
We get tired. We get overwhelmed and stressed with the demands of life. We cry when we are emotionally traumatized. We are finite human beings who are limited in every way, serving an infinite God who has no limitations. His strength is never exhausted, His wisdom is never confounded, His energy is never depleted, His mercies never come to an end, and He never needs sleep. He can handle what you are facing and what you are frantic to see Him do.
Several years ago I went on a mission trip to Cuba. It was life-transforming in many ways but as I was writing this I was reminded of a difficult situation God brought me through. We flew from Houston to Cancun, Mexico, and from Cancun we flew into Havana, Cuba where we spent the night and were then dispersed throughout the country. When we landed in Cuba I noticed that I could not find my ticket for the return trip home. I had a ticket to fly from Havana back to Cancun but did not have the ticket to fly from Cancun back to Houston. I was frantic. I did not have enough money to buy another ticket and began asking the Lord to find that ticket. But that ticket was never lost to the Lord; He knew its location the whole time. I prayed and then got busy with preaching and ministering for the next several days. I almost forgot about the missing ticket until we gathered back at the airport in Havana. Right then, that same panicked feeling I had before resurfaced. By this time, I had been in two different countries and three different towns separated by hundreds of miles and more than a week had passed. I lost all hope of finding that ticket among my belongings.
When we arrived in Cancun I went to the ticket counter for our airline and told them of my dilemma. What they told me next is nothing short of a miracle to me - the lady went back to the office and came back out with my ticket! It had fallen on the floor as we flew into Havana over a week earlier and someone had found it and turned it in. After all of that, God supplied my ticket back to Houston.
If I had known what God knew I would not have given one minute to stressing out and being anxious over that situation, but I could not see that God had already handled it. What a reminder to me that God can handle our every situation! Maybe your situation seems more difficult than finding a plane ticket, but I assure you that whatever it is, He can handle it as well. Will you trust Him?

Steps to Trust and Obey:

Spend some time bringing your difficult situation to the feet of God today.
Ask Him to give you peace in your heart as you wait on Him to intervene.
Ask Him to build renewed faith in His ability to handle your situation.
Has the Lord spoken to you today? Is the Lord calling you to do something or to change in any way? What is your response?

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