Sunday, August 17, 2008

Finishing Strong

I will never forget the summer of 2008. I have been gone seven different weeks this summer on mission trips or going to a camp of some sort. At times I preached the camps and at other times I simply went as a sponsor with our teenagers and children. I have traveled over 8,500 miles, been to four different states and one foreign country, preached eighty six times in the span of eighty three days, and most importantly seen many saved and others drawn back into a close to communion with Christ.
I have enjoyed the beautiful white sand beaches of Panama City Fl, the towering Pine trees of East Texas. I will leave tonight to sit humbly in the mountains in New Mexico, and have survived the scorching one hundred eight degree temperatures of Wichita Falls, TX. I have walked through the rain, slept in bunk beds that were cramped and hard as a rock, ate more chicken than I care to remember, all the while living out of a suitcase, and reminding myself that going to camp is not work. I have preached to large crowds and small ones. I have ministered to children, teenagers, college students, and adults. I have worshipped with one man bands and bands with several members. I have driven and flown more than I have cared to and now as I am heading into the homestretch of the summer all I can think about is finishing strong.
Caleb was a man who learned to finish strong. At eighty five he still had unfinished work for the Lord. He was already a legend. He could have rested on his laurels. It would have been easy and perfectly understandable to give the hard jobs to the next generation and to coast through his retirement years. Caleb did not do that.
We learn in [Joshua 14:8-9] that Caleb in his last years was still believing God, still willing to risk, still living out courageous faith, and refusing to quit or settle for less than God’s best. This seasoned saint could have taken the easy road but instead chose to conquer the challenge before him.
Caleb was a man who knew what it was to finish strong. He followed God fully. He was completely dedicated. That meant he was willing to do what God called him to do completely. We often are willing to follow God partially and some of the time but Caleb has set an inspiring example of following God fully. God wants our complete obedience.
He also wants us to finish the tasks He gives us to do. For me that means preaching another sermon at FBC Paradise tonight and then heading home to pack my suitcase again and start driving toward New Mexico tonight where I will preach one more youth camp next week. I am tired. My wife and children are tired of my being gone. The incredible flock at FBC Paradise are ready to have their pastor back in town all week and not just on the weekends as it has worked out over the past several weeks. My seat is weary of being seated in the driver’s seat into the wee hours of the morning. I arrived home last night at 3:00 a.m. after preaching to a group of teenagers in East Texas.
Caleb finished strong. Jesus set the example by finishing strong on the cross. [Heb 12:2-3] Paul finished strong. [Acts 20:24] By the grace of God and with the help of the fervent prayers of family and flock I will finish this summer of ministry strong as well.

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