Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back in the Saddle

It has been nearly two full months since I was last in the saddle. Trust me. It is not what you are thinking. I am referring to being back in the saddle on my bicycle. My last ride was while I was in Canada back in the latter part of June on a borrowed hybrid bike. I took a ride which nearly proved to be too long as I rode furiously back into a relentless headwind nearly making me late in getting back in time on a Sunday morning for our group devotional before church.
Since coming back from Canada I have spent more days on the road than I have spent at home and so my road bike has been sitting in my garage collecting dust. Yesterday, I aired up the tires, filled my water bottles, donned my gloves and helmet, slipped on my sun shades and climbed back in the saddle for a ride. It had been a long long time.
My bike computer told me the temperature outside was ninety-five degrees. There was a slight breeze blowing from the West which proved to be challenging on the final leg of the ride. Other than that, it was a glorious time. As I pedaled the sweat began to roll and my shirt became soaked. Mile after mile rolled by, as I pedaled down the back roads and through residential areas, often passing church members and community leaders.
I enjoyed the solitude, the sweat, and scenery of the ride on my little Tour de Paradise. It felt great to be back in the saddle and to be enjoying one of my favorite hobbies and forms of exercise. My heart rate rose with the hills in front of me as I pushed the pedals forcefully to slowly roll to the top. I sipped water in between breaths. I waved at those I passed. I prayed and communed with God while riding and loved every minute of it.
In the same way I am glad to be back in the saddle of life back in Paradise, TX. I have enjoyed sleeping in my own bed; eating Brenda’s cooking, and seeing the people in our church and community. I have enjoyed sitting in my predictable spot on the front row pew surrounded by Brenda and the boys in our church this past Sunday and preaching from the familiar FBC Paradise pulpit. I have enjoyed sitting at my desk in my office and seeking the face of my Heavenly Father in prayer, studying the scriptures, talking on the phone, catching up on emails, and writing this article.
It is wonderful to be back in the saddle of the start of school, football practices, and meetings at church, teaching, counseling, and running into various people from the community at local restaurants. Life has moved at a more leisurely pace the past few days than the busy days of this summer with schedules to keep and miles to travel.
Far too many of us take the little things for granted, like a child waking up early and climbing into bed with us just because they want to be held like Turner did this morning. Like petting our dogs like Anna Belle so craved last night while I was watching the news. We take the people for granted God has put in our lives to bless us and who add richness to us like the people I saw at the two different cafes for breakfast and lunch. We take our lives, families, our health, our routines, and jobs for granted. It does us good to get away but it also does us good to climb back in the saddle.
I hope to get another ride in today before football practice tonight. I hope to traverse the hilly terrain and savor the scenery of my little home in Paradise, TX. I hope you will take some time out of your day and praise God for the life He has entrusted to you. Maybe today you hate the routine, and the path you are called to journey is filled with pain. I still think each of us can find something to be thankful for. [I Thess 5: 18] tells us to give thanks in everything. Today I am thankful for the life God has blessed me with. I am thankful for the family and friends I get to share that life with. I am thankful for the flock I am called to shepherd and I am thankful for the community I am called to love and minister to. I am thankful for the staff I get to serve with and to be perfectly honest, I am just thankful for life itself with all of its joys and sorrows. It is wonderful to be back in the saddle to live for Him or ride with Him.
May you and I not take the little things for granted. In the midst of all the stresses, all the trials, all the busyness, may we thank God for the little things like getting back in the saddle and finding the time to ride a bike or enjoy a glass of tea with a friend over some delightful conversation. May we enjoy a brisk walk down Main Street as we thank God for never leaving us nor forsaking us. Lord, thank you for letting me get back in the saddle. Please do not let me take this life for granted.

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