Today marks my 49th Thanksgiving. Many in my family are now gone. My mother, grandfather, grandmother, sister, and great uncle along with others are all dead and gone. No longer do I go to the giant family Thanksgivings I enjoyed as a boy. Today it is just my immediate family. The four boys, Brenda and I are about to sit down to our feast. It is good to have Taylor home from college and bitter sweet to know Tanner will graduate high school in just a few months.
Much has changed over the years. All my boyhood dreams have died except the lingering dream to write. I am older now. I sit in my home while it rains outside and think about all those Thanksgivings of yesteryear. We enjoyed turkey, ham, dressing, potato salad, dumplings, coconut cake and various pies. The children all played when we were young and as we grew into our teens and young adult years we sat around talking or watching football and John Wayne movies. Great memories.
I was so proud to take Brenda to one of those Thanksgivings. My family loved her as I knew they would. She has that special quality where everyone loves her. She cares. She serves. She listens. She prays. Today I am thankful I get to share my life with her and have done so for the past 23 years.
I am not sure how many more Thanksgivings we will get to enjoy like this. I suspect one day in the not too distant future each of the boys will bring some young lady home they have fallen in love with. One day each of them will get married and then we will have to share them with the bride's family. That will be sad a day. Today I will enjoy this day. I will enjoy having the Edwards seated around our table each in their reserved spot. I am thankful for that.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving,
Abundant living,
Happy faces,
Many graces,
Food on table,
God is able,
Needs are met,
So don't fret,
Warm and dry,
God's supply,
Much provision,
Home subdivision,
All Edwards home,
None left alone,
About to eat,
Thanksgiving treat.
Abundant living,
Happy faces,
Many graces,
Food on table,
God is able,
Needs are met,
So don't fret,
Warm and dry,
God's supply,
Much provision,
Home subdivision,
All Edwards home,
None left alone,
About to eat,
Thanksgiving treat.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Make Your Voice Heard
There are many voices shouting for attention. ISIS. Homosexuals. Planned Parenthood. Black Lives Matter. Politicians. Racial Activist. Political pundits. All have a message they want others to hear and they make their voices to be heard.
You can go as far back as Martin Luther making his voice heard nailing his 95 thesis on the door of the Catholic church. His voice sparked a revolution we now know as the Reformation. William Wilberforce made his voice heard to abolish slavery in England. It took a long time but finally his voice was heard. John F. Kennedy inspired a nation to put a man on the moon with his voice. Martin Luther King Jr. used his voice to inspire an entire nation toward civil rights through non-violent protests.
These days it appears the only voices we hear are those standing for the systematic unraveling of the morale fabric of our society. They talk on television, radio, the internet and offer write endless literature to support their cause. Radical Muslims make their voices heard through violent means. Politically correct politicians are sure to keep their response on point by not calling these extreme terrorists what they are. Muslim Jihadist who rape, torture and murder for the cause of Islam.
While others are shouting their message by every means available most Christians are content to sit on the sidelines silently. Christians boast we have the greatest message of all time and yet few voice it. True preachers preach. What about the people in the pew? Do they make their voice heard for Christ in the market place and the community.
These same people are not shy about voicing their opinions about sports, the economy and politicians. They sit around cafe tables drinking coffee making their voices heard. They are certainly not shy about shouting their pleasure or displeasure in the stands at ball games. Yet offer these same people the opportunity to speak a word for Christ and the silence is deafening.
Ask Christians to take a stand that might make them uncomfortable and the back pedaling starts.
The Apostle Paul made his voice heard through a megaphone. He pounded the same drum. He beat that drum relentlessly. What was his message? JESUS. Paul preached Jesus, wrote about Jesus, debated for Jesus, conversed about Jesus, lived for Jesus and ultimately died for Jesus. He made his voice heard.
What message are you speaking? What cause or you standing for?
You can go as far back as Martin Luther making his voice heard nailing his 95 thesis on the door of the Catholic church. His voice sparked a revolution we now know as the Reformation. William Wilberforce made his voice heard to abolish slavery in England. It took a long time but finally his voice was heard. John F. Kennedy inspired a nation to put a man on the moon with his voice. Martin Luther King Jr. used his voice to inspire an entire nation toward civil rights through non-violent protests.
These days it appears the only voices we hear are those standing for the systematic unraveling of the morale fabric of our society. They talk on television, radio, the internet and offer write endless literature to support their cause. Radical Muslims make their voices heard through violent means. Politically correct politicians are sure to keep their response on point by not calling these extreme terrorists what they are. Muslim Jihadist who rape, torture and murder for the cause of Islam.
While others are shouting their message by every means available most Christians are content to sit on the sidelines silently. Christians boast we have the greatest message of all time and yet few voice it. True preachers preach. What about the people in the pew? Do they make their voice heard for Christ in the market place and the community.
These same people are not shy about voicing their opinions about sports, the economy and politicians. They sit around cafe tables drinking coffee making their voices heard. They are certainly not shy about shouting their pleasure or displeasure in the stands at ball games. Yet offer these same people the opportunity to speak a word for Christ and the silence is deafening.
Ask Christians to take a stand that might make them uncomfortable and the back pedaling starts.
The Apostle Paul made his voice heard through a megaphone. He pounded the same drum. He beat that drum relentlessly. What was his message? JESUS. Paul preached Jesus, wrote about Jesus, debated for Jesus, conversed about Jesus, lived for Jesus and ultimately died for Jesus. He made his voice heard.
What message are you speaking? What cause or you standing for?
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Why They Left The Church
People leave churches all the time. Members come and go. Some move to other towns. Many others move for not so noble a cause. Some leave over theological issues that are compromised.
Some people leave their church family over splitting theological hairs over trivial things. This happens a lot. Some leave because they do not like the pastor, the pastor does not like the flock or the members do not like the music. I recently heard about a couple who left a previous church over a theological trivial matter but ended up in a church where open immoral lifestyles are accepted and embraced in leadership. Go figure.
Many leave church over personality conflicts, hurt feelings, and broken relationships. God's admonition to forgive people, reconcile, and not hold onto bitterness are forgotten amidst feelings of the flesh to break fellowship. Churches are torn asunder under broken relationships.
Mad, unforgiving, and disgruntled people leave one church and are eagerly embraced by another church without any regard for the broken relationships they left behind in their previous church.
Does the Bible hold authority over the people of God anymore? Does the Bible not speak to issues of morality? Does the Bible not speak clearly on mattes of personal relationships.? We make it far too easy to leave one church for unbiblical reasons and join another. God's word is being compromised on many fronts in the local church to appease the modern culture.
If you are considering leaving your current church home do you have a Biblical reason for doing so?
Some people leave their church family over splitting theological hairs over trivial things. This happens a lot. Some leave because they do not like the pastor, the pastor does not like the flock or the members do not like the music. I recently heard about a couple who left a previous church over a theological trivial matter but ended up in a church where open immoral lifestyles are accepted and embraced in leadership. Go figure.
Many leave church over personality conflicts, hurt feelings, and broken relationships. God's admonition to forgive people, reconcile, and not hold onto bitterness are forgotten amidst feelings of the flesh to break fellowship. Churches are torn asunder under broken relationships.
Mad, unforgiving, and disgruntled people leave one church and are eagerly embraced by another church without any regard for the broken relationships they left behind in their previous church.
Does the Bible hold authority over the people of God anymore? Does the Bible not speak to issues of morality? Does the Bible not speak clearly on mattes of personal relationships.? We make it far too easy to leave one church for unbiblical reasons and join another. God's word is being compromised on many fronts in the local church to appease the modern culture.
If you are considering leaving your current church home do you have a Biblical reason for doing so?
Thursday, November 5, 2015
A Timely Word
I almost talked myself out of going. I have not been to a conference in close to ten years. A friend mentioned a conference close by with one of my favorite authors as one of the speakers. I took the bait and registered. Only days before the conference started I began talking myself out of going. In the end I went. I am so glad I did.
Sitting in the lobby of the church I read while waiting for the worship center doors to open for the conference to begin. Before arriving at the conference I prayed in my truck, "Lord, I want to hear from You. I want a fresh word from You. Do You have something for me here. You know my condition and I need to hear from You."
God answered that prayer while I read in the lobby. Two paragraphs shot through my soul. It seemed those paragraphs were written directly for me for that day and season of life. I took out a pen and underlined every word. I reread the paragraphs more assured God directed that message to me that day.
In the first moments of the first speaker I knew God wanted me at the conference. I wrote furiously taking notes on what he preached. God again had a timely word for me. After several pages of notes my head swam with all my thoughts.
I barely had time to take it all in before the next speaker spoke another timely word challenging me in the depths of my soul. God spoke so much I could barely take it all in. Again I wrote furiously taking notes so I could go back and recall all the truth later.
Later that night I had dinner with a friend and we talked about the conference and church stuff. The late night drive back home afforded ample time for reflection.
Have you ever received a timely word from the Lord? Maybe it came through a devotion or perhaps a song on the radio. God often gives timely words through pastor's sermons or while reading a book. Those moments are crucial. What we do after God speaks is vitally important. We have to choose to act on those timely words in faith. That is the choice I made yesterday.
I pray from time to time God might use this blog to be His timely word for somebody just as He used that author yesterday and those timely two paragraphs.
Lord, I thank You for still speaking. I thank You for speaking through many different ways. I thank You that today You know where all Your children are and what they need to hear. You are more than able to speak a timely word to each of them. On this day I ask You to speak clearly to those who need it most. A word of comfort to the troubled. A clear word of direction for the confused. A word of rebuke for the sinner. A word of hope for the hopeless. In Jesus name, amen.
Sitting in the lobby of the church I read while waiting for the worship center doors to open for the conference to begin. Before arriving at the conference I prayed in my truck, "Lord, I want to hear from You. I want a fresh word from You. Do You have something for me here. You know my condition and I need to hear from You."
God answered that prayer while I read in the lobby. Two paragraphs shot through my soul. It seemed those paragraphs were written directly for me for that day and season of life. I took out a pen and underlined every word. I reread the paragraphs more assured God directed that message to me that day.
In the first moments of the first speaker I knew God wanted me at the conference. I wrote furiously taking notes on what he preached. God again had a timely word for me. After several pages of notes my head swam with all my thoughts.
I barely had time to take it all in before the next speaker spoke another timely word challenging me in the depths of my soul. God spoke so much I could barely take it all in. Again I wrote furiously taking notes so I could go back and recall all the truth later.
Later that night I had dinner with a friend and we talked about the conference and church stuff. The late night drive back home afforded ample time for reflection.
Have you ever received a timely word from the Lord? Maybe it came through a devotion or perhaps a song on the radio. God often gives timely words through pastor's sermons or while reading a book. Those moments are crucial. What we do after God speaks is vitally important. We have to choose to act on those timely words in faith. That is the choice I made yesterday.
I pray from time to time God might use this blog to be His timely word for somebody just as He used that author yesterday and those timely two paragraphs.
Lord, I thank You for still speaking. I thank You for speaking through many different ways. I thank You that today You know where all Your children are and what they need to hear. You are more than able to speak a timely word to each of them. On this day I ask You to speak clearly to those who need it most. A word of comfort to the troubled. A clear word of direction for the confused. A word of rebuke for the sinner. A word of hope for the hopeless. In Jesus name, amen.
Christ In Me
The Lord Jesus Christ dwells in me,
He saves, delivers, and sets me free,
He lives, loves, and guides my way,
Abiding in me each and every day,
He strengthens me and He empowers,
He comforts in the saddest crisis hours,
He transforms the old and He renews,
He heals the heart wounded and bruised,
He speaks peace in the darkest night,
When weak He is always my might,
The hardest trials He helps me endure,
He guides my path when I am unsure,
Lord Jesus right now dwells deep inside,
To bear much fruit in Him I must abide.
He saves, delivers, and sets me free,
He lives, loves, and guides my way,
Abiding in me each and every day,
He strengthens me and He empowers,
He comforts in the saddest crisis hours,
He transforms the old and He renews,
He heals the heart wounded and bruised,
He speaks peace in the darkest night,
When weak He is always my might,
The hardest trials He helps me endure,
He guides my path when I am unsure,
Lord Jesus right now dwells deep inside,
To bear much fruit in Him I must abide.
One Seed
What can one single seed do,
Bring a towering tree to view,
Cause a beautiful flower to grow,
In a maintained garden to show,
To produce vegetables a plenty,
To feed a few or to feed many,
What can one single seed do,
When planted int true faith too,
A seed sown in deep faith soil,
A seed sown in prayerful toil,
A seed beginning with a thought,
Planted in faith a miracle wrought,
What can one single seed do,
When planted by the only you,
A seed sown to bring God glory,
Heaven alone knows the story.
Bring a towering tree to view,
Cause a beautiful flower to grow,
In a maintained garden to show,
To produce vegetables a plenty,
To feed a few or to feed many,
What can one single seed do,
When planted int true faith too,
A seed sown in deep faith soil,
A seed sown in prayerful toil,
A seed beginning with a thought,
Planted in faith a miracle wrought,
What can one single seed do,
When planted by the only you,
A seed sown to bring God glory,
Heaven alone knows the story.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Life Hits Hard 2
Life hits hard. We established that in the last blog. Let's take it one step further. What is the worst life can throw at us? Some would say abuse, poverty, persecution, chronic disease, or rejection. I say the absolute worst life can hit us with is death.
100% of people who are born die. It is a reality. Some die young, others in their prime, and many in their twilight years. Everyone dies. In my years as a pastor, I've stood at the gravesides of infants, accident victims, as well as those who finally succumbed to cancer. Some families saw death coming and had time to prepare. Others experienced the icy grip of death unexpectedly with those they love.
Here is the truth I hold onto. If death is the absolute worst death can pound me with then I win. Why do I say that? "For to me to live is Christ and to DIE IS GAIN."[Phil 1:21] Death is not loss for the individual who has come to repentance and put his or her faith in Christ for salvation. It is gain. It profitable. It is a promotion. It is a graduation day. In fact, death is the best day possible outcome for the child of God who dies and sheds mortality to be clothed in immortality. Hallelujah!
I do not want to make light of this. There is a sting to death. Just ask grieving spouses, parents, children, or friends left behind to live with gaping holes in their heart. There is also a sting in death that comes with the agonizing painful path to get to death. I once ministered to a man dying of cancer. He knew he did not have long to live. I watched as his world slowly got smaller. At first he could still go to the local cafe as he done for years to have breakfast. Then he became more and more confined to his house. Then even going to the living room became a monumental task. In the end he was confined to his bedroom and bed.
He told me once, "Matt, I am not afraid of dying. I know Jesus and I know I am saved and will go to Heaven. It is the process of getting there that scares me. Through the pain I do not want to lose my faith." He didn't. He also suffered. Life threw the punches of pain and suffering at him and eventually strangled the life right out of him. It was a hard thing to watch. Death had a sting. 1 Corinthians 15:53-57 (NASB)
53 For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, "DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP in victory.
56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law;
57 but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?
33 Who will bring a charge against God's elect? God is the one who justifies;
34 who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.
35 Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.
38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,
39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
100% of people who are born die. It is a reality. Some die young, others in their prime, and many in their twilight years. Everyone dies. In my years as a pastor, I've stood at the gravesides of infants, accident victims, as well as those who finally succumbed to cancer. Some families saw death coming and had time to prepare. Others experienced the icy grip of death unexpectedly with those they love.
Here is the truth I hold onto. If death is the absolute worst death can pound me with then I win. Why do I say that? "For to me to live is Christ and to DIE IS GAIN."[Phil 1:21] Death is not loss for the individual who has come to repentance and put his or her faith in Christ for salvation. It is gain. It profitable. It is a promotion. It is a graduation day. In fact, death is the best day possible outcome for the child of God who dies and sheds mortality to be clothed in immortality. Hallelujah!
I do not want to make light of this. There is a sting to death. Just ask grieving spouses, parents, children, or friends left behind to live with gaping holes in their heart. There is also a sting in death that comes with the agonizing painful path to get to death. I once ministered to a man dying of cancer. He knew he did not have long to live. I watched as his world slowly got smaller. At first he could still go to the local cafe as he done for years to have breakfast. Then he became more and more confined to his house. Then even going to the living room became a monumental task. In the end he was confined to his bedroom and bed.
He told me once, "Matt, I am not afraid of dying. I know Jesus and I know I am saved and will go to Heaven. It is the process of getting there that scares me. Through the pain I do not want to lose my faith." He didn't. He also suffered. Life threw the punches of pain and suffering at him and eventually strangled the life right out of him. It was a hard thing to watch. Death had a sting. 1 Corinthians 15:53-57 (NASB)
53 For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, "DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP in victory.
56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law;
57 but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Life throws the roundhouse punch of death and connects. It looks like life and Satan win. On the contrary, the child of God stands in eternity victoriously. We win. We look the opponent death in the eye with hands raised as Jesus picks us up off the mat and delivers death a knockout blow. DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP IN VICTORY. Hallelujah!
The worst life can hit us with is the absolute best God will give us in eternity. So if we live we triumph in Christ. Romans 8:31-39 (NASB)
31 What
then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is
against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?
33 Who will bring a charge against God's elect? God is the one who justifies;
34 who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.
35 Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.
38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,
39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We win through Jesus even in death. Life hits hard with death but Jesus hits back harder with eternal life!
Monday, November 2, 2015
Life Hits Hard
In the movie Rocky VI the main character has a few lines I have been chewing on. In this scene he is talking to his adult son who continues to make excuses for why he is not more successful. In that scene Rocky says,
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is doe!"
The world is not all sunshine and rainbows. The eternal optimists try to make it sound that way but ugly things happen in this life. Sin ravages individuals, families, communities, and even countries. Diseases destroy the ones we love. Tragedies happen. In the aftermath of those situations we experience that life on planet earth can be mean and nasty. Life can hit so hard it beats you down to your knees. Some people choose to live there permanently. They stay down for the count. They may go on living physically but they wither and die emotionally and spiritually.
It is true the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. It is also true that Jesus came to give life and to give it more abundantly. [John 10:10] Paul exhorts us to rejoice always. [Phil 4:4] I think one of the great keys to life is trusting God to keep getting back up when we have been hit hard by adversity. Sometimes it would be easier to stay down and give up. That is not the abundant life we are called to in Christ. We are called to get up again. We are called to persevere.
When Paul thought about the Thessalonian believers he wrote how he was thankful for them in large measure because of three things; their love for one another, their faith, and their perseverance. [II Thess 1:3-4] The word perseverance means they were steadfast. They endured persecution. They were hit hard by life. They were repeatedly knocked to their knees by pawns of Satan.
Even though they got knocked down they did not stay down. They kept getting back up and through faith trusting God for better days. We all get hit hard by life at some point. Some get hit harder. Getting hit by life is not the point. Nobody avoids painful blows in a lifetime. We all get hit at some point and many times those blows come unexpectedly. When we get knocked down what do we do next. is important.
We have a choice. We can stay down. We can give up on God, give up on people, give up on our dreams, and give up on living the abundant life. Or we can choose to wipe our bloody noses and stagger back to our feet. We can choose to fight the good fight of faith to the very end.
I love the Rocky movies. I also love the lines he quips to his son, "But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done."
Farmers are constantly hit with droughts, hail storms, freezing temperatures, and floods. They get hit hard and year after year they mount up on the seats of their tractors and plant, sow, and trust God for the harvest. They keep moving forward. Athletes train and play. They get knocked down and pushed back, They are often injured. The champions always get back up and persevere to the end. They keep moving forward. Fighters do not give into cancer easily. They endure treatments, pray, and keep moving forward. Missionaries brave the forces of darkness to lead lost souls to Christ. They are often rejecected and at times persecuted. They do not give up easily. Laid off workers do not give up but they pound the pavement to apply for jobs, send resumes, and make phone calls until they are employed again. They persevere. Parents endure sleepless nights with toddlers and then with rebellious teenagers. Parenting can be tough but the rewards are worth getting back up again.
The older I get the more I realize how little I am really in control. I do not control the weather though I pray. I do not control other people's decisions. I do not control the economy or our politicians. What I can control is when life hits hard I can choose to trust God in faith and get back up. I can trust God for the strength to keep moving forward with endurance come whatever may stand before me. I can persevere through Christ who strengthens me. [Phil 4:13]
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is doe!"
The world is not all sunshine and rainbows. The eternal optimists try to make it sound that way but ugly things happen in this life. Sin ravages individuals, families, communities, and even countries. Diseases destroy the ones we love. Tragedies happen. In the aftermath of those situations we experience that life on planet earth can be mean and nasty. Life can hit so hard it beats you down to your knees. Some people choose to live there permanently. They stay down for the count. They may go on living physically but they wither and die emotionally and spiritually.
It is true the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. It is also true that Jesus came to give life and to give it more abundantly. [John 10:10] Paul exhorts us to rejoice always. [Phil 4:4] I think one of the great keys to life is trusting God to keep getting back up when we have been hit hard by adversity. Sometimes it would be easier to stay down and give up. That is not the abundant life we are called to in Christ. We are called to get up again. We are called to persevere.
When Paul thought about the Thessalonian believers he wrote how he was thankful for them in large measure because of three things; their love for one another, their faith, and their perseverance. [II Thess 1:3-4] The word perseverance means they were steadfast. They endured persecution. They were hit hard by life. They were repeatedly knocked to their knees by pawns of Satan.
Even though they got knocked down they did not stay down. They kept getting back up and through faith trusting God for better days. We all get hit hard by life at some point. Some get hit harder. Getting hit by life is not the point. Nobody avoids painful blows in a lifetime. We all get hit at some point and many times those blows come unexpectedly. When we get knocked down what do we do next. is important.
We have a choice. We can stay down. We can give up on God, give up on people, give up on our dreams, and give up on living the abundant life. Or we can choose to wipe our bloody noses and stagger back to our feet. We can choose to fight the good fight of faith to the very end.
I love the Rocky movies. I also love the lines he quips to his son, "But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done."
Farmers are constantly hit with droughts, hail storms, freezing temperatures, and floods. They get hit hard and year after year they mount up on the seats of their tractors and plant, sow, and trust God for the harvest. They keep moving forward. Athletes train and play. They get knocked down and pushed back, They are often injured. The champions always get back up and persevere to the end. They keep moving forward. Fighters do not give into cancer easily. They endure treatments, pray, and keep moving forward. Missionaries brave the forces of darkness to lead lost souls to Christ. They are often rejecected and at times persecuted. They do not give up easily. Laid off workers do not give up but they pound the pavement to apply for jobs, send resumes, and make phone calls until they are employed again. They persevere. Parents endure sleepless nights with toddlers and then with rebellious teenagers. Parenting can be tough but the rewards are worth getting back up again.
The older I get the more I realize how little I am really in control. I do not control the weather though I pray. I do not control other people's decisions. I do not control the economy or our politicians. What I can control is when life hits hard I can choose to trust God in faith and get back up. I can trust God for the strength to keep moving forward with endurance come whatever may stand before me. I can persevere through Christ who strengthens me. [Phil 4:13]
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