Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tough as a Redwood - Tender as a Flower

While reading last night I came across a phrase describing the life of John Newton, who wrote the famous hymn "Amazing Grace." He was as tough as a Redwood and as tender and fragrant as flowers. In life we need to be men and women like that.

Why as tough as a Redwood. Redwood trees are massive with enormous root systems. They are sturdy and able to withstand the elements and storms. The roots give them stability and a solid anchor system. Redwood roots typically only grow about ten feet deep but spread out as far as eighty feet. What produces stability for the Redwood is the fact the roots from one tree intertwine with the roots of other Redwood trees giving them stability. Don't all of us need the same thing. We all need to be anchored down to face whatever comes our way. We need this in context of community with family and friends.

Just yesterday tornadoes touched town in Arlington causing a great deal of damage. Much of the area and dozens of houses were damaged. Tree limbs fell onto cars, roofs were torn off, and whole homes were obliterated. Many trees could not stand up against the winds. Those trees were shredded. The mighty Redwood trees can tower over 375 feet tall. As their roots grow and entangle themselves in the roots of others trees they can withstand the elements. They are strong. They are tough.

Not only that but the bark on a Redwood can grow as much as twelve inches thick protecting the tree. Don't you know people who wear their feelings on their sleeves. The slightest opposition, resistance, or remark can send these people spiraling. Many people live their entire lives enslaved to the opinions of others. Politicians do it. Coaches and teachers can do it. School administrators face this same issue. Preachers are not immune either. We need people like Redwoods who do and say the right things whether they are popular are not. We need tough people in places of leadership in our communities who will make the tough calls even when it means they will catch heat for it. We must have preachers who will declare the truth fearlessly. We need people with thick skin.

Yes, we need to be tough people but a person can be extremely tough and extremely hard and insensitive at the same time. The fragrance of such people is death. Conversations with such people can turn into a verbal bloodbath. Such people think they have free license to say and do anything in the name of speaking or defending the truth. These are people who bristle like a porcupine keeping people at distance.

While being tough we must also learn to be tender. As tender and fragrant as a flower. Jesus could be both. He was tough with the Pharisees and tender with the woman caught in adultery. He was lion hearted in proclaiming the truth and yet compassionate when dealing with the leper. Jesus had backbone like steel when facing the cross and yet wept at the tomb of his friend Lazarus.

Why do we tend to fall to one extreme or the other. I know tough people. Typically these men and women are hard. They are abrasive. I also know soft people who or doormats for people to take advantage of because they are too tender. These soft people wilt under pressure or opposition.

Shouldn't we all want to be more like Jesus. Tough when life calls for it and tender with the people we come in contact with. Strong and fierce in the defense of Biblical truth and yet lovingly compassionate with those we oppose. Firm in our convictions and yet soft hearted for those broken and bruised by life. Tough like a Redwood and tender like a flower. We need more people like that.

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